Anonymous ID: a38123 July 7, 2018, 2:43 p.m. No.2073517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3541 >>3543 >>3582


On what planet are you on that you believe people aren’t aware of this basic tenant of Jewish history? Maybe YOU didn’t know it but most of us find that rather surprising and causes us to bemoan the ignorance of history so many have. Here’s another thought - crack open the Bible and see what every other person who ever bothered to read it finds out, ie, that the jews were pretty much nonstop in Dutch with God and if he was a hair pulling sort, would have pulled his hair completely out over their behavior. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS but that doesn’t mean, OMG, we have to hate the Jews. We aren’t the ignorant ones, son. Please go do the absolute basics level of research any half wit could manage. The websites you’ve been cruising are embarrassing.

Anonymous ID: a38123 July 7, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.2073628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3705


You really, really, really want an excuse to hate jews. People like you make any claims they have that people are insanely hateful sound pretty rational. Look, if you want to believe they are demons on earth, you give away the game that this is a a religious meltdown on your part. If you just think they are just more whiny and involved in victimhood than any other group, good luck with that. That’s nuts. Only by actually being God’s chosen people would they manage to stand out as different than others for centuries upon centuries. This jew fixation is either God induced or pure hatred. Pick one.