Anonymous ID: c094c0 July 7, 2018, 3:23 p.m. No.2073903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3937 >>3952


Show us where Q wanted to reporters to ask POTUS about Q?


Several in congress have said the same. "If only reporters would ask the right questions, we'd have no choice but to answer them! But they won't ask."

Pretty damn stupid to assume he wants them to ask about Q.

How about ask them if there is trillions of missing money. Ask them where did Iran and NK get what they needed to build Nukes. Ask them if there are investigations ongoing into certain people. Ask them if the military and or government agencies are being restructured. Who does CIA/FBI/DEA all report too.


Any of these questions would necessarily be good to open up a pandora's box and necessitate further questioning.


But true SHILLS got on that subject and directed us to ask "Who is Q"