VaticanClown, MuhGuhGaytriot, and Parakeet. They're sending in the small guns this morning.
Sacrificing their perfect lives to help improve others' imperfect lives.
Attack Jim W if and when possible, when that fails
Attack BO, when that fails
Attack BVs, when that fails
Attack Bakers, when that fails
Attack Anons, when that fails
Return to top of list and repeat
I see the seething clown is running the SmokingPepe's greatest hits routine, but in the filter. Poor bastard.
Yeah, he runs multiple "baselines." That's what he calls the personas he handles.
Wanna drop the gloves and slap the shit out of these shills, but also don't want to piss the BV's off for doing that.
Losing on optics so they need to distract to give themselves time to regroup. Seems similar to how Dems will interrupt any Rep when they're on a roll that's damaging to the Dems or the derp state. Same as when they fired up mimics here to distract. It's all in the same group of vectors. If they can't control the narrative then they'll just muddy the waters, create as much chaos as they can, and then try the exact same thing again when the waters clear.
Difficult restraining instinct.
L'il Jimmy is going to lose his shit in tonight's monologue.
Yep. While engaging is exhilarating and relatively easy now considering the current state of the shills, sometimes filtering is the best option. Some need be reminded of that from time to time when they're in the grip of berzerking.