Won't be too long until the door of his broken down trailer is kicked in, and he is cuffed and stuffed.
Torres: We are here today discussing the delayed National Guard response to the Capital, for one reason, and one reason only. Donald Trump dispatched an armed mob to try to overturn the election he knew he lost.
Morelle: We're here today for a single reason. An unpatriotic, cynical, power hungry man, incited a deadly insurrection, as part of his months long effort to overturn a free and fair American election. We're here because of his lies about the 2020 election.
Morelle: The president of the United States manipulated his followers into believing the election was stolen from him, summoned an armed mob to Washington, and then unleashed them on the United States Capital. And then, did absolutely nothing to stop what unfolded. People died. We almost lost our democracy.
Griffith: While the January 6th Committee may have found some very interesting information, they intentionally chose not to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Command Sergeant Major Brooks: I believe those who steered the narrative of the DOD IG report did so, not for historical documentation or to enhance future military response capability, but to protect and advance individuals who sought to shield themselves from responsibility, to overly enhance their role, and perceive significance in a critical moment in the history of nation's democracy. In truth, their actions, no matter how innocent they believe them to be, have led to an awful mark on our military, and shown an incredible lack of respect for the service of the men and women who served in the DC National Guard, before, during, and after January 6th, 2021.
Colonel Matthews: I am here today because two senior, general officers of the Untried States Army, General Charles A. Flynn, and Lieutenant General Walter E. Piatt, have acted contrary to those values. Generals Piatt and Flynn have lied to congress, to federal investigators, and to the American people, about why it took so long for the District of Colombia National Guard to deploy to the US Capital on January 6th, 2021โฆwhen I say these general officers lied, I do not do so lightly or cavalierly. I speak from personal knowledge, having interacted with them on January 6th in my official military capacity.
Colonel Matthews: I submitted a document stating that these men [General Charles A. Flynn, Lieutenant General Walter E. Piatt] were liars, and I stand by it one hundred percent. It's a stain on my Army that they got away with it and no one said anything about it. They even sent Piatt in to the president of the United States to have him promoted. He was a liar.
Colonel Matthews: I don't believe the president [Trump] ever gave any of them [National Guard] an unlawful order.
Like many of the other criminals in congress that are terrified of President Trump, Torres is not US-born. She is a Guatemalan, gaining citizenship in 1992.
Colonel Matthews: It would have required one hundred thousand demonstrators before the DC Guard was necessary, and that was the Army's thinkingโฆwe were not allowed to be east of 9th Street, which is where the Capital is, We had to have the Secretary of the Army's approval to more three unarmed guardsmen one block.
According to his wiki, Morelle was charged with seven counts of violating New York state election law in 1990. He managed to squirm out of it with a plea deal.
Colonel Matthews: The Secretary of Defense authorized the DC National Guard to deploy a three o'clock. The DC Guard was able to deploy at three o'clock. It had the capability and readiness to go on the street at three o'clock, but the order didn't come from the Secretary of the Army, so that was the bottleneck there. The president followed the chain of command.
[Morelle then reclaimed his time to stop Colonel Matthews]
Murphy: Every damn meeting we have now has Trump Derangement Syndrome talking to it. This was a dereliction of duty by the Secretary of the Army, who refused, by the way, to come before this committee, because he knew his culpability, he knew that he lied and he was derelict in the duty
Torres: President [Trump] didn't want the violence against the police, or against members of congress, or against his own vice president to stop. The truth is, he wanted the violence to continue until he could take custody, and continue to keep custody of his position.
Torres: There would have been no riot, there would have been no riot had the president of the United States not set up a stage, and order people, and told them that he would join them at the US Capital.
Chairman Loudermilk: Do you believe that the deployment of the DC National Guard was delayed?
Command Sergeant Major Brooks: Yes.
Chairman Loudermilk: Who do you believe delayed it?
Command Sergeant Major Brooks: Secretary McCarthy and senior officials in the Army staff.
Chairman Loudermilk: Why do you believe that they delayed it?
Command Sergeant Major Brooks: I believe their misunderstanding of the capabilities on the DC National Guard, and the seriousness of the situation. To be honestly, I have no idea why we never received that order. All I know is that they were more concerned with what it would look like with soldiers, with the Capital in the background, than protecting the Capital of the United States.
Griffith: If the president of the United States [Trump] had gone outside the chain of command and called General Walker directly, bypassing his acting Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army, we might very well be in a hearing trying to find out why the president was interfering with the National Guard.
Command Sergeant Major Brooks: It would have been highly irregular.
Colonel Matthews: Keep in mind, during that time, they were talking about the president improperly using the military; they wanted to take precautions against that use. They wanted to have it both ways, to say he didn't call, but if he would have called, they would have said he was trying to interfere with the chain of command.
Command Sergeant Major Brooks: The only reason why we are here today, is because Secretary McCarthy, in his approval letter, removed Major General's ability to execute his immediate response authority. Secretary McCarthy changed the memo from Secretary of Defense to Secretary of the Army, the one that we got from Secretary McCarthy stated that Major General Walker could not deploy QRF [Quick Reaction Force] without the Secretary of the Army's explicit order.
Chairman Loudermilk: Do you feel that there was dereliction of duty in the chain of command on January 6th?
Command Sergeant Major Brooks: Not within the DC National Guard, but from higher levels, yes sir, I do believe that senior officials within the Secretary of the Army, and senior officials in the Army staff were derelict in relaying the authorization from Secretary Miller, down to the appropriate level of execution, which would have been Major General Walker.
Torres: We know that the chaos at the Pentagon was caused by the commander in chief, and the fear that he would involve the military in domestic political affairs.