Kek. While it's well-known that Mayorkas is a (((traitor))), I get so tired of that gas bag, Cruz. All his chest puffing about muh "constitutional lawyer" (tm) is a top kek when this faggot [knowingly] ran for President, twice, even though he was ineligible, being born in Canada.
>Once all of the non-Jewish Whites are gone, it will be so easy for the POCs to identify their Jew Masters.
They're banking on a cataclysm that wipes out the majority of the human species. Avoiding them, near completely, of course.
>The Jews are destroying their camouflage.
It won't matter, by then. Remember, their story calls for a "great calamity" (tm) where the rest of the world willbegthe Jews to rule over them, via Noahide, so we can finally be at "peace" (tm).
>What will the POCs do to the Jew Masters who have been abusing them for so long?
Nothing. The Jews will have brian-washed them to believe it was the Asians who enslaved them and owned the slave ships, by the time Blacks can organize enough to fight back.
>It doesn't matter WHERE a person was born.
Actually, it does. [No Name] made sure of that.
[No Name] was born in Panama, while his father was stationed there in the Navy and it was considered under the Jurisdiction of the United States. Alberta has never been under the limits of Jurisdiction of the United States.
>POC includes Asians.
Yeah that one flew right over your head. Sorry, Anon.
>POC is anyone who isn't Jewish but has White skin ie Caucasians.
A "POC" is anyone who isn't White.