Zelensky shoots his wad.
Hang WHO, congress, the 6 governors who put infected people in old folks homes, big pharma, the CDC, the AMA, their lobbyists and insurance carriers and every POS still making or selling experimental mRNA gene therapy. They are all murderers.
Foreign countries are cutting down our forests to burn them instead of coal. Except for China, they just want the wood.
[They] are subsidizing giving all the businesses to invaders while euthanizing Americans. After they are done euthanizing Americans they will slaughter the invaders until there are 500 million party members left. By then the food chain will have collapsed and [they] will starve or freeze to death.
The nuclear option is better.
How many countries give pallets of cash to other countries with no strings attached while their veterans sleep in the streets and the poor suffer?
SS is paid from payroll taxes and the traitors gave it all to illegal aliens.
The UN IS the 1%
We aren't 50% debt to GDP… yet.
Congress doesn't know what EMP is.
That's the way to do it. Give [them] nothing. Watch them try to do it themselves.
Looks like he got replaced
It's biblical.
Melatonin is used to calm libtards and their pet rape monkeys.