Trump is obviously an outsider, and not a part of the anti-american and anti-constitutional deep state. He's not into the pizza parties like Obongo and co. Trump isn't and never will be a kike.
Q on the other hand is simply a Mossad psyop designed to keep Trump supporters under control. The same way Alex Jones was created by the deep state and Israel as a steam release valve for people more aware than the average Joe. Notice that Jones never mentions the real problem, kikes. Q is another cleverly crafted steam release valve, all we do is shitpost here while "trusting the plan" while nothing ever happens or changes. The DOJ deadline is renewed every two weeks. No one is ever held responsible. No one ever goes to jail. Awan, the largest spy ring in history, was let off the hook. All anyone here can say is "it's part of the plan."
Trump is so fucking awesome. He wants people to be held responsible for their crimes. Unfortunately, we're stuck with Q, either a Mossad or Deep State psyop that says nothing but "trust the plan" and Q is probably telling Trump the same thing. Trump is trusting this Q, but nothing ever changes, no one is ever held responsible. We need to develop a plan for when Trump eventually and inevitably quits trusting Q.