mfw Q is a mossad psyop to see if they can control autists
but they found it they cant
mfw Q is a mossad psyop to see if they can control autists
but they found it they cant
for what is the real question
last month of Q posts seems like a test
the real question is why
i wish this was a mossad psy op
then all the shit about pedos would be fake..
>not a psyop
>ets are involved
well which is it friend
and anyone looking into perkins cole
should look into this guy
has hollywood connections and is involved in voter registration
also running for office in ky
this guy is on the board
and is perkins cole
you under estimate how insane the right wing is
pic related
if trust the plan fails
then its trust the ar 15
doubt russia would let the un interfere if us has a civil war
like every other time
theres a reason the romanovs were killed off
mfw extradimensionals run the world and feed off our fear
still not in hospital
when u shit up the bead but theres someone with 27 posts of anime
feels good man
anyone else having problems with filters/reply box
cant filter anyone