IS this bread full? test
>>2073884 (pb)
>Smell something fishy about her,
These Paki guys are covered in hair. Although women in those cultures practice threading to remove hair, from the looks of this guys arms, Shamila would be needing to undergo extensive laser hair removal for years. I think technically, we're still looking for a man. That's one fucking hairy dude, prolly his back is a carpet as well.
That "helper" last bread..any photofags run the "Epstein" pics through?
I'm sorry this is so sloppy, but we had a helper anon posting interdasting things LB including new to me pics of Epstein's island.
Anonymous 07/07/18 (Sat) 18:31:23 583685 (11)
>>2073928, >>2073675, >>2073690, >>2073703, >>2073717, >>2073736, >>2073745, >>2073755, >>2073767, >>2073778, >>2073798, >>2073819, >>2073830, >>2073838, >>2073851, >>2073879, >>2073906, >>2073928, >>2073944
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All posts by 890dd5
This is good sauce to get to the britbongs…I'm passing it at half, providing it didn't come from half..(feeling stupid, half is always a year ahead of us, but just in case).