Anonymous ID: ccab5b July 7, 2018, 3:50 p.m. No.2074125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4135 >>4178

New slide: 'muh 8chan is comped. Muh 8chan is broken.'


Said the anon who manages to navigate, find each new bread and post complaints without any difficulty.

Anonymous ID: ccab5b July 7, 2018, 3:58 p.m. No.2074202   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You've managed to hit the trifecta. The failing New York Times, google and the 'law firm' perkins coie. I just felt a tingle in my legs. Well done.

Anonymous ID: ccab5b July 7, 2018, 4:21 p.m. No.2074406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4438 >>4440 >>4446 >>4469 >>4493 >>4547


Everything you said is valid, but since you're hung-up on muh joos you come across as a fucking idiot. Try imagining you're actually stuck at the primal level of fear and hatred, the desired outcome of the oldest psyop running, and get back to me when you become more enlightened. For now all you accomplish is helping the cabal paint us as a bunch of racist hicks. Grow the fuck up.

If you think I'm full of shit, do me a favor. Tell me what Synagogue GHWB attends. Shouldn't be hard, the pos is in his eighties. Why did I pick him? Just thinking about how often Field McConell/Abel Danger has called him the most diabolical motherfucker there is, save for Marcy, his sister.

Grow the fuck up! Is the pope a crypto Jew? Is obama Jewish? The clintons? Odd, I don't recall ever hearing that.

Lay off the fucking fluoride toothpaste for a week, go to an AA meeting or visit the zoo!

Anonymous ID: ccab5b July 7, 2018, 5:01 p.m. No.2074790   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dead-center with that shot. In my opinion, the most harmful effect of all the hatred is that the radical lunatic-left conveniently 'overlooks' their many violent acts and their blatant push towards anarchy, convincing themselves it all started with the 'mean' things Trump has said.

Without really thinking about examples:

  1. Dude taking that kids MAGA hat off and throwing a drink in his face

  2. Kathy Griffin holding a severed Trump head

  3. Mob protesting outside a judge's home

  4. Michelle Wolf's pathetic routine at the WHCD

  5. DeNiro's many comments "punch him in the face"

  6. Assaulting that cornered woman with eggs at an early campaign event

  7. Hitting that man in the head with a heavy bike lock

  8. Antifa violence

  9. That lady confronting the guy at a bar in Europe after she saw his MAGA hat

  10. Countless media lies to rile people up - 'removing the bust of MLK from the Oval Office


That's a quick ten examples out of hundreds which are all 'justified' because candidate, now President Trump has said 'mean' things. Give me a fucking break!