I prayer for DJT. I plan for everybody else.
They are against DJT. That's all I need to know.
Donald Trump Stands For Me.
Maybe doing more DMT and get ass raped by p diddy will end you. You aren't doing enough.
Last night I check in with the racial minorities I provide charity to. They think Mayorkas is nuts.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad moved me to do all I can to make this place better. God Bless Robert Kiyosaki. Before him I did almost all of my charity for the Catholic Empire. Never again.
Th best thing you have to contribute to children is your time. Listen to them, answer their questions (if you can), and tell them if you don't know the answer. They really light up when you don't know the answer.
It is notable that not one shill misunderstood me.
He sells the hive mind that half of fems (coward pussies) and 10% of men (cowards) dependent on. Fear is his pr0n.
Why don't you know this by now?
First, identify the 1% kleptos they front for. Then enumerate their record of failure. Then get my money back.
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