they will just tie it to gibs to israel or ukraine, or maybe free transitions for every state, this is why the entire single bill idea is needed but all politicians are fucking dirty at this point.
needs an addition of fire marshal bill and biden.
the problem is oversight, but they are already using the so called rules against people and with out the ability to remove any of this corruption. It is not enough for people to be removed at this point. There are just too many examples of corrupt judiciary that the trust has been erroded to a catastrophic point. Why should anyone listen or respect any of this process. I like the idea of the higher courts starting an imediate investigation if a lower judge is found to have violated the constitution, but that seems to also be up to interpretation leaving enough subjective wiggle room for anyone well versed in semantics. Its a similar problem to people who are asking for a constitutional convention, because they could easily infiltrate that and undermine everything even worse. Damned do, damned don't
I understand the point of what you are proposing the question becomes how do you deal with the subjective nature of the interpretation of the constitution. The judicial is the one that has the ability to interpret, so if someone interprets badly the idea is that in theory it would be able to be appealed to a higher court, but it can not be declared wrong if the interpretation is wrong. So either the constitution is too vague or judges ware not ruling with enough leeway to the issues at hand. Chopping off heads based upon subjective judgement is an issue also.
have you looked into the social security dmv problems in texas with the voter rolls and how many people are registering as first time voters and how many of them are using dead peoples ss numbers.
it's not, but the question will be compounded by the inaccurate census numbers, and the idea of who is a registered voter, this is why they are pushing these incidents in Texas just for example with people trying to see what ss numbers they can use to get people to vote in that area. They only need to flip a few states Texas and Missouri and you already are seeing Biden pull ahead with the electoral college. Its not just popular vote that matters. It will be a cluster fuck, perhaps to the point that neither side trusts who won the election results, then what happens?
don't be a fucking pussy. Who gives a fuck what others say you say what you want and if it gets deleted, bitch a bitch and move on. Who cares if something lasts or does not. Just fight be a thorn and flip some fucking tables. Be a shit, be a cunt, who cares. Just fight. If you have a thought do not let those who come against you win by silencing you. I don't care if its anti jew or christian or catholic. Give them hell anon.
no I think it is about YOU being a pussy. To expect fair or balanced treatment by a place that has many people who really no one knows what side they are on is foolish. Here is the trick just stop giving a fuck. Honor in a war, kek. There is no honor there is no fucking principle. Grow up.
Yes you stupid faggot. Your being a pussy bitch has that special kind of cucking that you must have learned from your father.