you little punk bitch
punk ass twink bitch
slant eyed punk ass twink bitch
this is the white woman goes to india moment and gets jumped by a bunch of thirsty poos
great kayfabe though
showing everyone what they already know just to get a scoop and +10 victim points
the ayyys are here niggers
pucker your backholes for some deep tissue nanobot late night love sessions as cthulhu makes it way down to be your demiurge and stroke your nipples
yea but you see, now it's GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE! being attacked so now, finally, the masses shall rise up and the kvetches shall reverberate throughout the entire lands so that justice may finally be done
fuck white people though
who cares if they're unalived by some illegals, off to work the next day for those peasants
fuck you fbi
you've trained and armed actual terrorists and you protect an administration who usurped the presidency through a fraudulent election and allows illegals in this country by the millions which has resulted in the deaths of american citizens
you're a goddamn disgrace to this nation and are not fit to be called patriots
put that in your fucking file, i know you're watching anyway
sorry fucks
>far right antisemitic conspiracy theory
top kek
well those conspiracy theories have been batting for 1,000 lately
good thing for archived offline videos though