>correct, surrounded by scum advisors
It really is a PIA dealing with all the fake patriots here, who would rather diminish my message than consider the safe guards that it provides. If it wasn't for me, most of them would have succumbed to the fake pandemic and taken the toxic vaccines if I had been persistent and risked my life to get message out. They are unappreciative scumbags that interfere with others lives. I am right due to experience and the Will of God but they could never comprehend these things. You think I didn't know the cops and hospital would try to kill me for destroying their plans? God urged me on for a reason, I am not stupid and knew what was written on the Georgia Guidestones was in play. Amazing how no one considers, I even had my own wife tell me about DEW weapons that do not target blue colors just recently from watching news from her own country, not knowing that I was the one who figured that out years ago. Can't be a saint in your own town. Amazing how the DS has controlled so many minds to not consider.