Anonymous ID: 7bbd54 July 7, 2018, 5:51 p.m. No.2075184   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anti-migration AfD breaks records in Germany and is now second largest party

By JOSHUA CULLEN 8 July 2018


In a new poll, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is now larger than ever, The Huffington Post Germany reports.


In the Emnid survey, carried out for tabloid Bild, the AfD comes out as second largest party together with the Social Democratic Party (SPD). This is unprecedented and has never happened before.


For the survey 1894 representative persons were asked: “For which party would you vote there were federal elections next Sunday?


With 17% of support, the right-wing AfD is now at its highest level ever. This clearly shows things are changing in Germany and quickly.


Anonymous ID: 7bbd54 July 7, 2018, 5:57 p.m. No.2075231   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What really happened when GOP senators visited Moscow

by Byron York

| July 07, 2018 06:42 PM


There's talk going around Resistance circles that when seven U.S. lawmakers, all Republicans, met with top Russian officials in Moscow over the Fourth of July recess, they didn't even bring up Russia's efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. They also, according to the story, steered clear of other touchy issues like Russia's annexation of Crimea and intervention in Ukraine.


"They had no interest in confronting Russian officials over their election interference, preferring instead to let bygones be bygones," wrote MSNBC's Steve Benen on the network's MaddowBlog. "There was no reason for these Republicans to give the Kremlin a pass on its misdeeds, but they did. There was no reason for the GOP lawmakers to exclude election meddling and the fate of Crimea from their discussions, but they did that, too."


"In another time, Republicans would have labeled somebody who did this 'Hanoi Jane' or 'Baghdad Jim,'" tweeted Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank.


"Have we forgotten what the Russians did in the 2016 election?" asked former CIA Director John Brennan on MSNBC. "Have we forgotten what the Russians did in Crimea?"


The answer is no. In the last few days, Sens. John Thune and Ron Johnson, two of the GOP lawmakers who went to Russia, talked to me about what was discussed there. Their accounts — of conversations dominated by talk of the 2016 election, plus substantial discussion of Crimea and Ukraine — differ radically from the Resistance narrative.


First, there was a lot of discussion, some of it heated, about election interference. Both lawmakers said the Americans did not hesitate to bring up the 2016 election, and the subject took up much of their time in sessions with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs Chairman Konstantin Kosachev, former Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak, and other officials.


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Anonymous ID: 7bbd54 July 7, 2018, 6:12 p.m. No.2075353   🗄️.is 🔗kun


For Guns Or Not For Guns

What will happen if Trump's pro-gun nominees clash with his alleged support for red-flag gun control laws?



Conservatives are sitting on the edge of their seat awaiting Trumps Supreme Court nomination. It has come to a choice of three according to the Washington Post, federal judges Brett M. Kavanaugh, Raymond Kethledge and Amy Coney Barrett. Brett Kavanaugh and Raymond Kethledge are the favorites, both of which are allegedly staunch Second Amendment supporters.


According to The Federalist, Kethledge practices law from the strict interpretation of what was intended by our founders, which is what conservatives are hoping for in a Supreme Court pick. Interpretation of the Second Amendment is likely to become a key issue in future Supreme Court cases, so the more justices that view the constitution from an originalist viewpoint, the better. Kavanagh is also said to be an originalist when it comes to the Second Amendment he wrote a scathing dissent against the District of Columbia appeals court which supported bans on personal firearms in Washington D.C. Kavanagh wrote-


“The Heller case neither requires nor permits any balancing beyond that accomplished by the Framers themselves. That’s the bottom line: The Framers, in the Second Amendment, completely rejected any balancing of our gun rights when they said that our God-given right to arms shall not be infringed.”


This is all great news, however; Kavanaugh is also said to have supported the individual mandate in Obamacare. In fact, many conservatives are pointing out that his opinion helped Chief Justice Roberts in ruling that Obamacare was constitutional as a tax. He argued this position under the 1867 Anti-injunction Act which posited that a tax couldn’t be challenged in court until it has been paid. That is an interesting perspective to add to his consideration for the Supreme Court.


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Anonymous ID: 7bbd54 July 7, 2018, 6:15 p.m. No.2075377   🗄️.is 🔗kun

7 Jul 201837

Judge Raymond Kethledge is being increasingly portrayed as the “consensus” or “compromise” candidate for the Supreme Court in media descriptions of President Donald Trump’s decision making process, suggesting his inevitability despite concerns over such a pick among Trump’s base.

“As Donald Trump moves to finalize his Supreme Court pick, Judge Raymond Kethledge is getting a behind-the-scenes push portraying him as the consensus choice of conservatives,” Politico reported Thursday, citing positive interviews and support by conservatives like Hugh Hewitt, many of whom are strongly linked with “Never Trump” sentiments.


The narrative picked up from there. On Friday, The Hill adopted Hewitt’s “Gorsuch 2.0” descriptor, imparting, as Hewitt had, an air of inevitability to a Kethledge pick.



The Daily Mail, meanwhile, went all out on the “compromise” narrative. Slamming other possibilities like Judges Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Barrett, the Mail’s Geoff Earle writes, “An emerging potential ‘compromise’ pick to win President Trump’s nomination to serve on the Supreme Court has Midwest roots lauds people who drink beer ‘straight out of the bottle.'”


In contrast to effusive praise of Kethledge’s “heartland appeal,” Judge Barrett is described as “a member of a controversial religious group” who “is being pushed by some evangelical leaders.”


READ MORE: https: //

Anonymous ID: 7bbd54 July 7, 2018, 6:18 p.m. No.2075415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5451

Red Hen Restaurant that Refused to Serve Sarah Sanders Reopens to Protests


7 Jul 201818

The Lexington, Virginia, restaurant that refused service to White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders reopened Thursday night to a crowd of protesters carrying signs.

A dozen protesters stood outside the Red Hen restaurant holding signs that read, “Hey Red Hen, Go Cluck Yourself,” and “No Civility, No Peas” while supporters of the restaurant entered through the patio, WDBJ reported.


The restaurant opened to a full house, as a sign in the restaurant’s front window stated that it was completely booked. The Red Hen is reportedly only accepting reservations and is not accepting walk-in guests.



“We’re here today because actions have consequences,” Paul Brockman, a spokesman for the Second Amendment group Patriot Picket, told WDBJ. “We think the place for political statements is at the ballot box, not at the dinner table.”


Despite the protests, customers quietly entered the restaurant through a patio entrance.


READ MORE: https://

Anonymous ID: 7bbd54 July 7, 2018, 6:21 p.m. No.2075438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5454 >>5545

Planned Parenthood Demands Special ‘Personal Liberty Standard’ for Trump Supreme Court Nominee

7 Jul 201824

The executive vice president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund said Thursday her organization is calling for a special “personal liberty standard” for President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee to be judged by when he or she comes before the Senate for confirmation.


“Clearly, saying ‘precedent’ alone can no longer be an acceptable answer or standard by which senators can accurately judge,” said Dawn Laguens at a press conference.


Laguens, a lesbian who is raising triplet daughters with her partner, has become the public face of Planned Parenthood since the departure of the organization’s former president Cecile Richards.


Laguens continued: READ MORE: https://

Anonymous ID: 7bbd54 July 7, 2018, 6:44 p.m. No.2075622   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rap Sheet: 190 Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump


