Anonymous ID: be047a July 7, 2018, 5:26 p.m. No.2074980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4994 >>5106 >>5127

>>2074347 lb


uhh i barely posted in the last bread.. (10 posts and only 1 was the article)

there was at least 1 other anon who was talking about the article way more than i was

and yet BO specifically replies just to call me a shill? and the post he replied to had nothing to do with the article..


like are you just mad bc i posted this screenshot a few times? bc it makes you look like an ass?


being passionate about something doesn't make me a shill, BO

Q said to be loud and be heard and that's what i'm doing

i was a lurker here for months before i started posting a couple weeks ago and even then i only posted during night shift, where people actually have some degree of civility. i have no agenda but to spread truth to as many people as possible. people here are allowed to shit post porn, the full text of mein kampf and god knows what else but i'm the one that gets called out specifically by the BO?


you can say nobody likes the article all you want, but plenty of people i've sent it to in the real world are ecstatic about it and many anons here were backing me up

once someone told me that the author was once a fan of AJ i stopped talking about it bc it was the first legitimate criticism of it that i heard, and even that doesn't discredit it. i just posted it at the top of the bread once so that people can make their own decisions instead of having the board overlords decide for them.. and then dropped it

but either way, i'm gonna go back to lurking until Q confirms this board isn't compromised..


be well, anons

i love you