show us a body, legit with a toe tag
I I I me me my
it's slightly more subtle than the male stripper in florida
once again i am asking you to bring marshmallows
surprised he didn't say "let's roll"
I I I me me my got any sauce today after all these months of your bullshit?
sgt. B likes to mess with the timeline for gets
we as a nation promised him lifetime protection when he took the job, what is this nonsense?
dude needs to work on his verb tenses. obviously he didn't write a headline once the accelerants kicked in. it's like a clue he didn't write it. so much bullshit.
trapped with your own bullshit
oh wait, now you're quoting from self torch dude's manifesto, double duty on the spergbot?
no way to sauce without self dox, are ya gonna do it?
more irrelevancy. give up, no one believes your bullshit. filtered.
and where exactly is this proof, other than your self-referential bullshit?
the formula for irrelevant spergbot larping?
chatGPT work