Anonymous ID: 892bd5 April 19, 2024, 3:33 p.m. No.20749347   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Went on a weird spider web crawl because Mandiisa is dead.


Her song “overcomer” had a unique and inexplicable effect on anon a few years back.


In the video, several well know stories of folks who beat physical set backs are highlighted.The gay figure skater guy (bless him) and Gabrile Giffords.


Anon remembered the story of her attempted assassination (love that word for its double “ass”), but not the details.


After the drama on socials regarding Trump stock, anon had been in a place of serious astonishment learning that many people believe all sorts of old shit that we have WAY debunked here. “Debunked” isn’t the right word: anons know all the “talking points” are bullshit. It was just stunning to see “Russia! Russia! Russia” and, in true alinsky style of accusing others of what you are guilty of, relating to the BS Trump

Trials today, “Sleepy Don.”


The images of Gifford were stunning. She truly fought back against all odds. Was she a Republican? Democrat? Who was the asshole who shot her? What was his reasoning? Dear God, was he an “ally”?


Turns out she was a Democrat. But a normal one. One who was very much interested in securing the border. Interestingly, with OFaggots support (different time, different dems?).


Anon was suddenly worried that since so many assholes on social media had all the “facts” about Trump wrong, was it possible anon was all fucked up too?


Anyway….turns out a kid was killed in the process of shooting Goffords.


And that kid was awkwardly noted, at the time, to have been born on Sept 11, 2001.


Why not just say she was nine.




This is a fucked up realm of symbols and fuckery. And anon remains…anon and convinced this place, with all of you faggots, is where the truth lies, if there actually is any.

Anonymous ID: 892bd5 April 19, 2024, 3:50 p.m. No.20749464   🗄️.is 🔗kun


An autopsy revealed Hale's clothing was covered in 'handwritten words, drawings and numbers'. It's unclear what was written on her clothes.

Tennessee Tranny School Shooter:

The shooter also wrote a plastic orange anklet inscribed with the mysterious number '508407.'


But searching like a normie says it had the number 1776 written on her…