Anonymous ID: 3f50e9 July 7, 2018, 7:14 p.m. No.2075878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6357


so not only are the photos from that article stock photos from prior events, the article itself is a rehash of one from 2014


seems this source

is the only source reviving the story claiming it to be recent news, all local news from that region is not mentioning it because of course its fake news.

the addition to the article of the man being a muslim is likely bait to frame us all as islamophobes.


the simple fact we thought it was legit without verifying exposes confirmation bias gives them ammo to slander us.


they memes of burning people alive that quickly followed the posting of that article can be used to frame us all as violent and dangerous,.


carefull anons, rise above the fake news, the bait, the attacks, dont fall for it.