Anonymous ID: 4c6ce5 NZ - The US DARPA/Pentagon/Monsanto acceptance of gene drive phase begins. July 7, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.2075921   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The US DARPA/Pentagon/Monsanto ‘create government and community acceptance of the use of gene drives’ phase begins.


It looks like a bunch of NZ scientists are about to tell us that GE is good for us!

Got to LOVE those scientists! They know everything about everything and everything that’s ‘good’ for us! Take the deadly threat of climate change for example!


Getting harder and harder to find a true ‘classic’ scientist – one who gathers data/evidence, makes a conclusion based upon that and that alone while being willing to alter that conclusion upon new evidence being presented. Instead we have the wonderful new breed who’re given their conclusion and told to find evidence to support it. If none can be found then fake it! Gee-wizz, and they wonder why the reputation of the science community is a tad tarnished these days!


NZ needs to rethink genetic engineering stance – experts



I’m going to be posting older posts of mine in regards to FVEY, NZ Politics and the Gene Drive experiments currently underway in NZ. Solely because NZ related posts are few and far between on the board I will be adding links between them to tie them together between breads. If you think this is namefagging then by all means go right ahead and waste bread by telling me so but do know that I just don’t give a flying damn! I’m doing it anyway! If I’m banned, I’m banned. It’s my country after all that’s very actively collaborating with the Cabal while, I must add, being screwed over by the US DARPA/Pentagon Gene Drive Extinction Technology project of the previous administration and, it would seem, the current administration too. Perhaps when Q-team has a moment it can be explained as to why this is so?



Bayer/Monsanto [Y] Symbol + Info Anonymous


African Ebola Outbreak – Putin & Kim accused Gates & US of experimenting on Africans.


Extinction Technology (Gene Drive), DARPA & Bill Gates


Monsanto Unveils Transgenic Queen Bees - New Zealand’s a DARPA Gene Drive (Extinction Technology) Test Site for US DARPA / Monsanto.
