Anonymous ID: 76dfd0 July 7, 2018, 7:03 p.m. No.2075774   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The WATER…now that's interesting…


Possible reasons:

a) Black Hats plan to get people back in line?? (obviously failing)

b)White Hats plan to protect people from possible Black Hat poisoning plan??


All I know, is every since POTUS and PENCE put their H20 bottles on the floor (in UNISON) during the FEMA meeting at the precise moment the director was saying, "strategic plan", I've had a feeling the Black Hats were planning an attack using WATER…


Thought it would be bottled water since FLOTUS also made a statement (involving bottled H20) during her visit to the border where she insisted that paper cups be put over top the bottles…


Just clear signaling all the way around. Everyone KNEW IRAN WAS NEXT (due to Q drop) so not surprised this is the LOCATION…but wonder which scenario from above is playing out…