Anonymous ID: add10d July 7, 2018, 7:09 p.m. No.2075839   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You're right and that's one thing Potus and Q have taught us is how to fight and be heard. Conservatives were always trampled on. No more. IMO, it's too late for this midterm to affect much change. Too much turmoil. Too many seats open. Still to much fuckery with voting and our voices being silenced.


Before Potus announced he was running, I stayed away from politics because I was so frustrated and angry with it all. We couldn't fight the corruption. NO matter who we elected. The outcome and the laws would always be what they wanted. But now, it's different. I was just telling spouse anon recently that in the past, our 1 vote didn't matter. We have learned how to take all our 1 votes and be heard. Individually, we are nothing. Together, we are everything. As you say, we ARE the change. We ARE the voice. We ARE the news. We have the power and we should never again relinquish it again.

Anonymous ID: add10d July 7, 2018, 7:25 p.m. No.2075992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6002





I disagree. The votes have to be there to get the electoral college win.



Who is going to report them for unrigging? kek



Yeah, some states took a long time but didn't that always happen? Anyway, MI made sure it was a more level playing ground.



Indeed it is. We are history in the making.



kek…the greatest gift of all is Potus transferred Elections to DHS.



kek love the meme



I do remember. I'm guessing their own internal polling showed what national polls didn't. And/or they got intelligence that their rigging was being unrigged.


The whole point to my statement was for those who are worried about the actual rigging of voting machines. MI is still on the job.

Yes, there are other issues to overcome, like illegal voting, but when we cacwst our ballots, we should feel safe knowing it's going to count.

Anonymous ID: add10d July 7, 2018, 8:06 p.m. No.2076366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6398



I should hope not! Would really like to see them start before the midterms. This waiting is hard.


I was just wondering if other anons also thought the need for Potus to be aboard AF1 when SHTF or if we were past that point.