Anonymous ID: d4ea6e July 7, 2018, 6:49 p.m. No.2075660   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump lawyers call Comey ‘Machiavellian’ in note to Mueller


WASHINGTON (AP) — Lawyers for President Donald Trump unleashed a blistering attack on former FBI Director James Comey in a confidential memo last year to the special counsel, casting him as “Machiavellian,” dishonest and “unbounded by law and regulation” as they sought to undermine the credibility of a law enforcement leader they see as a critical witness against the president.


The letter, obtained by The Associated Press, underscores the intense effort by Trump’s legal team over the last year to tarnish Comey’s reputation and pit the president’s word against that of the former FBI director. Comey’s firing in May 2017 helped set in motion the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller, and one-on-one conversations with Trump that Comey documented in a series of memos helped form the basis of Mueller’s inquiry into whether the president obstructed justice.


The June 27, 2017, letter was written by Marc Kasowitz, then the president’s lead lawyer, as Mueller and his team were in the early stages of their investigation into Trump associates and as they had begun examining whether the president, by firing Comey, had sought to stymie an FBI investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia. The White House initially pointed as justification for the firing to a Justice Department memo that faulted Comey for his handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, though Trump later said that “this Russia thing” was on his mind when he made the move.


READ MORE: https://'Machiavellian'-in-note-to-Mueller

Anonymous ID: d4ea6e July 7, 2018, 6:56 p.m. No.2075703   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anti-violence protesters shut down part of Chicago freeway


CHICAGO (AP) — Thousands of anti-violence protesters marched along a Chicago interstate on Saturday, shutting down traffic to draw attention to the gun violence that’s claimed hundreds of lives in some of the city’s poorest neighborhoods and pressure public officials to do more to stop it.


Marchers chanted, “Stop the killing,” and carried signs reading, “We need jobs,” and other messages. Some stopped to scrawl on the road with chalk: “Enough is enough” and “Peace.” Toward the front of the march the Rev. Michael Pfleger, a Roman Catholic priest on the city’s South Side who organized the protest; Chicago police Supt. Eddie Johnson; and the Rev. Jesse Jackson linked arms.



Anonymous ID: d4ea6e July 7, 2018, 7:20 p.m. No.2075935   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Diamond and Silk Weigh in on Maxine Waters: ‘We Look at Her as a Domestic Terrorist’

by Tamar Auber | 9:18 pm, July 7th, 2018


Vloggers Diamond and Silk have become a regular feature on Watters’ World where they regularly pile on to the news of the week with their controversial, decidedly pro-Trumpian take.


Saturday’s show was no exception.


It started when host Jesse Watters played a clip of Trump calling Rep. Maxine Waters a “Low IQ” individual during a Montana rally.


He then pointed out that Waters is controversial even among her own party causing a “little civil war over there on the Democratic side.”


Diamond and Silk then chimed in.


“The president is right. Maxine Waters I.Q. is very low,” Diamond began.


She then said this: “We look at her as a domestic terrorist. She is telling Americans to attack other Americans. It’s a problem…Maxine Waters and her rhetoric it is like the gift that keeps on giving to the Republican Party so we want her to keep talking.”



Anonymous ID: d4ea6e July 7, 2018, 7:24 p.m. No.2075978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6034

Trump Goes After Mueller: ‘Public Opinion Has Turned Strongly Against the Rigged Witch Hunt’


Given recent polls on Robert Mueller‘s approval ratings, President Donald Trump eagerly touted the numbers on Twitter this afternoon.

Donald J. Trump


Public opinion has turned strongly against the Rigged Witch Hunt and the “Special” Counsel because the public understands that there was no Collusion with Russia (so ridiculous), that the two FBI lovers were a fraud against our Nation & that the only Collusion was with the Dems!


4:42 PM - Jul 7, 2018


44.6K people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

The President did not mention Mueller by name, though you’ll notice the quotes around “special.”


This tweet was initially posted with the wrong spelling of “counsel” (again), but was taken down and corrected minutes later:


This comes as his own legal team is setting new conditions for an interview with Mueller.



Anonymous ID: d4ea6e July 7, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.2076047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6066 >>6082

How Much Trouble Will Meghan Markle's Dad Cause The Royal Family?

Amidst anger that Thomas Markle is selling out his daughter, Meghan, her husband Prince Harry and the Palace has decided the only way to deal with him is to cut him off entirely.


The disaster that is the relationship between the royal family and Thomas Markle Sr, the father of the Duchess of Sussex, just keeps getting worse.


This week, the front page of the British tabloid the Daily Mirror reported that Markle Sr fears his daughter will never speak to him again, telling friends, “I think they’re shot of me.”


Although Markle professed himself utterly mystified by this turn of events, one has to wonder if the Emmy-award winning former Hollywood lighting director is really quite the naif he portrays himself as when it comes to the media gossip complex.


If he really isn’t sure why his daughter and her beau are miffed, maybe someone could show him a timeline of his recent media interventions.


In reverse order: Last week, on the 26 June, he was positively seething with outrage when he told TMZ: “If the Queen is willing to meet our arrogant, ignorant, and insensitive president she has no excuse not to meet me, I’m nowhere near as bad.”


The anti-Trump angle is definitely becoming something of a theme.



Anonymous ID: d4ea6e July 7, 2018, 7:37 p.m. No.2076092   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How to Tell if North Korea is Bullshitting America About Its Nukes

Pyongyang has a long history of playing fast and loose with the truth during nuclear negotiations. Here’s a handy guide to see if Team Kim does it again.



07.06.18 4:55 AM ET


As talks between the United States and North Korea continue, Donald Trump insists that North Korea is making a good-faith effort to denuclearize.


U.S. intelligence officials now say the opposite, however. As one official told NBC last week, “There is absolutely unequivocal evidence that they are trying to deceive the U.S.”


But it’s still very early in the negotiation process—the Iran nuclear deal took years to hammer out—and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is due to travel to Pyongyang this weekend.


So as negotiations continue, how can observers know if the North Koreans are actually interested in compromise? The Daily Beast spoke with former administration officials familiar with the North Korea negotiation process about how to tell when North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is bluffing.


If Pyongyang is truly prepared to denuclearize, said Abigail Grace, a former National Security Council staff member under the Trump administration, the very next step in the process will be that they will submit a complete list of nuclear sites. Yongbyon is the country’s primary nuclear research facility, but it’s long been suspected that there are other undisclosed fuel enrichment sites. In the lead-up to the Trump-Kim summit in Singapore, satellite imagery showed that some structures at the Punggye-Ri test site had been demolished. But U.S. intelligence officials have said that North Korea has actually ramped up nuclear production at other facilities and that they are actively trying to conceal those locations.


Conversely, submitting an incomplete list would be the first of several telltale signs that the communist country has no intention to pursue denuclearization, said Grace, who worked on the Asia portfolio at the NSC. “That’s how the framework broke down in the 2000s. What they submitted was not actually complete.”


READ MORE: https://

Anonymous ID: d4ea6e July 7, 2018, 7:41 p.m. No.2076131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6153 >>6183

These Five Court Cases Could Change the Future of LGBT Rights

The possibility of a right-wing Supreme Court Justice has LGBT campaigners rightly nervous. Trump’s appointment will also coincide with key LGBT equality cases hitting the courts.


The Supreme Court nominee President Trump is expected to announce on Monday could play as large a role in unraveling LGBT rights as retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy did in recognizing them.


As LGBT legal advocacy groups previously told The Daily Beast, virtually everything will be on the line if Kennedy is replaced with an arch-conservative: transgender rights, employment protections, religious justifications for discrimination, and even marriage equality itself.


READ MORE: https://

Anonymous ID: d4ea6e July 7, 2018, 7:48 p.m. No.2076186   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Calling for all videos that have been banned by YouTube… you now have a platform for true expression

Friday, July 06, 2018 by: Mike Adams


Natural News) This week we rolled out a “soft launch” of the beta, which you can see live at


There, you’ll see many videos posted by users. (To see a more complete list of all the new videos, visit this link.) The site still suffers from lots of glitches, and we’ve strictly limited the invites to just a few dozen users, but next week we’re expanding it toward a full public rollout. Also note that the view counts for videos is only updated every six hours, not in real time.


We’re now calling for all videos which have been banned by YouTube for political reasons, including videos which dare to discuss the healing properties of cannabis, videos about health freedom, videos from Trump supporters and other videos that are systematically banned by YouTube.


You now have a platform where you won’t be banned.


Request a channel invitation right now at this link.


Next week, we’ll be ramping up the invites and new channels. Most importantly, we will begin writing and publishing articles about “banned” videos, highlighting the absurdity of YouTube’s war against human knowledge. is about to become the internet’s hub for “endangered knowledge.” Request your free channel now and starting uploading banned videos. (Have patience with the invite process, and video moderation process, as we’re just getting off the ground. Thank you in advance.)



Anonymous ID: d4ea6e July 7, 2018, 7:59 p.m. No.2076288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6372


Anon's have research on the Pedo criminals. If you need to know who they are and how they proliferate within this nation and the communities you can find your answers here. Personal opinions are for the chat rooms.


This is not a chatty kathy little dolly room.

Anonymous ID: d4ea6e July 7, 2018, 8:11 p.m. No.2076433   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sexual preferences aside. Children in every study done so far…flourish better and are more likely to be capable and functioning adults in a household with a male and female parent.


So the question is, do you want a healthy balanced functioning society or not?


Single parent households are also more likely to produce problem's for a balanced development in a child.