Serious question
I am of two minds on drug control. I have personally lost a family member to OD so I do understand the tragedy that drug use causes. But at some point my nephew chose to use drugs. He went through rehab multiple times and always went back to using. So it is my opinion that unless someone decides for themselves to quit, which probably won't happen until they are faced with a do or die choice, rehab is a waste of time and resources. I also have family members that did quit various drugs, so I know it is possible.
Second is the fact that prohibition has never worked. Okay, yes there is arguably the exception of Mao's prohibition of opium, but I really don't think that is a model we want to follow, and I'm not sure that in the long run it actually did work. I will bet there are opium/opiate users in China today. The soviet union was unable to stop the drug trade. Even today in Singapore with it's harsh penalties there is still a demand or nobody would bother trying to smuggle drugs in. Where there is a demand smugglers will try to fill it. Prohibition just raises the price.
I don't see that government or the legal system are solutions. Drug use is not a problem which can be solved by force. I think the ultimate solution is cultural. There will always be those that choose to intoxicate themselves and they should be held up for all to see as a warning. I can't see any other real solution.
~~What say you?~~