ahctslully, it doesn´t mean ufo at Earth, but a sign of life out there would be very interdasting
>everything ecists out there and moar
if it does we don´t know about it
are you a shlll trying to promote ufo space aliens, or just retarded?
the shills push ufo agenda, try to convince anon. anon knows ufo is secret HUMAN tech, and last card of nwo is a fake alien invasion or something of that sort (involving ufos)
don´t drink their koolaid. watch documentary and wise up.
hint: the supersecret part of project paperclip
if you´re pushing ufo space aliens blabla then you are a shill or retarded.
those are the rules. I don´t make them up. sorry.
oh, wrong replay…
well, instead of trying to make us waste time on researching something you´re posting, why don´t you just tell us about it?
>It's an homage of various actors, musicians, athletes, royalty, et al who were participants of Diddy's parties, throughout the years. Not all of these people are guilty, but that's a minority, I'm sure compared to the ones that were participants. The rapid fire sequencing is predict programming for normies. You're not supposed to see all the faces. You're only supposed to recognize the ones you know.
nice summary, you should have started like that. I don´t know much about this stuff, but seems interesting. summarize more, simplify, claim it to be notable and see what the baker says.
>Watch slowest speed and read the messages.
>This shows lots of people we would not even think of.
>It is painting a picture that it goes really deep.
>What did they do? What did they observe.? What did they participate in? Who did they bring next time? Crimes against humanity?
>Bring back our girls messaging, Obama related. Picture at end laughing with Naomi Campbell says so much.
…here I stopped reading. Lots of questions and speculations.
Call for a dig if you think it´s important.
I don´t know this stuff, not watching something trying to figure out what you´re getting at.
>Since you watched it
I didn´t, I haven´t and you´re talking bs, shill. >>20761961
>he didn't say nothing's happening
>he said there is no storm coming
>lame attempt to deflect and create strawman defense
>Do you really think Qanon would post to this comped ass board? That would verify the LARP
kek, they´re not sending their brightest and best shill today, are they? kek