Anonymous ID: e81c43 July 7, 2018, 8:19 p.m. No.2076505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6554

QMAP Aprril 12th Q confirmed a post in which the following was stated.

"To my fellow incarnated extraterrestrials, how could I have forgotten this crumb."


So, Who is this person? Is Q confirming the existence of Aliens from outer space?






That's what this poster defines himself as and it's also what I am, but let me clarify what that means.


Extra: More than or beyond what is necessary.

Terrestrials: Of or relating to the earth or its inhabitants.


We are "Extra's" of the cult, that is to say my family is cult and I was sacrificed. I was filmed my entire life as cultists experimented and tortured me. The tapes will be made public soon.


It's quite like the X-Files logo, a targets surrounded by red fire. And in that show the main character has a crippling fear of fire… the X-Files is connected to the filming targets of the cult. The "extraterrestrials"


These were what the cult was using as a sort of "template"


I met a number of other victims and these episode descriptions and my own memory of my life as a victim and so digging into this show is oddly nostalgic for me even tho I wasn't a fan of the show.


The origins being "extra files" not classified in the Unsolved but under X (targets) as they had so much room there. this implies that the bad guys had so many people they could use to target others this was a way to get some use out of them and provide etnertainment through our death videos. Torture until death.


The names of the people involved in the show are also nostalgic to my life and understanding of the cult


DD David Duchovney - Star

CCC Christopher Carl Carter from California- Writer

and lots more, these are the codes the cult uses as a "first check" - to identify a cult member by name alone. Then when hiring they would often wear a green shirt or have a green tattoo or something to say "I am your plant" and well, its' a stupid systen of codes and charades but let me move on.


And then the main character has a crippling fear of fire


The cult color codes are

Green Forrest = "I am your plant"

Yellow Sunshine= "Gold/Reward"

Blue Ocean= "Info/Surveillance"

Red Fire= "Anger/Smear"


and then in the first season I notice the star's ex-girlfriend a Ms. Green, just like the Mr. Green of the Snopes takeover… and I imagine that's just one of a thousand rabbit holes that I could delve down into given my history but I just wanted to mention that I get this one anyway.


This way the videos they would watch of us could be intermittent with professionally produced footage at times, makes it easier to watch and also gives the owls and snakes something to shoot for, an idea to try and torture someone into.


It's very silly but well, it's the truth. I write this mostly just to let Q know that I figured this one out. I doubt most anon's are ready for this rabbit hole.

Anonymous ID: e81c43 July 7, 2018, 8:25 p.m. No.2076580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6611 >>6628 >>6654 >>6700


No…. not from outer space. Literally "Extra Terrestrials" I'm one of them. It's just someone who was in a cult family but sacrificed by them into a lifetime of torture, they turn us into monsters. Into school shooters, and try to get us to self destruct and explode. Long story, but well, it's certainly not something biological. It's just psychological and abuse. Sexually abused as children, physically tortured as adolescents and psychologically tortured at all times including into adulthood

Anonymous ID: e81c43 July 7, 2018, 8:30 p.m. No.2076637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6655


very well, I'm open minded. I only know what they did to me and the other people I met at teh facility, I understood the school shooter part of it and also the motive for why, today I just noticed that there was a bizzare x-files connection which amused me but also made me want to mention to Q that I got it. So that's what I did,


if actual biological aliens exist so be it but I only have proof of the kind I am


so thank you for the information but I'll be skeptical until I have reason not to be. My story is my life and I tell it, so I know it's true, but well, I'll accept the other kind when the time comes and the evidence exists

Anonymous ID: e81c43 July 7, 2018, 8:33 p.m. No.2076675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6689 >>6697 >>6739



that's where I tell it and I sometimes come on here to answer questions. It's a long story and I was asked to create this twitter by the good guys. I get shilled pretty hard when I come here most times but it's important that I tell my story.

Anonymous ID: e81c43 July 7, 2018, 8:40 p.m. No.2076739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6766


see here for the twitter



And yea, I have tons of proof that need explanations which I do in my twitter and i tell a bit of the story each day as well as my interpretation of things in general. I didn't know that I was a victim until 3 months ago, it's been a crazy few months as I got kicked out of my house and now am in hiding.


Most of the other victims are in worse shape than I am and we all had our own "shows" but many similarities, and well, explaining the proofs, my story, theirs and so much else it's a big task but I can answer any questions : )

Anonymous ID: e81c43 July 7, 2018, 8:43 p.m. No.2076773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6779 >>6799 >>6805 >>6821 >>6832 >>6838 >>6871 >>6986 >>7127 >>7174



This is me as a child, My sister attempted to rape me in the bathroom on camera (she was 7 and I was 4) and I avoided it by running and screaming when she opened herself. I remember quite well screaming "There's a tongue in there!" I believe if I have a distinction from other victims it's that I got on the blooper reel. Anyway, when I turned five my mother played a game with me the "close your eyes while you hold my hand" game and then handed me off to a guy, I escaped that time because I could feel the wind on my face when we were in the parking lot. I opened my eyes and the guy ran off.


Molestation as well, from birth until I was 6 years old my grandmother would wait for me to finish going to the bathroom and then "clean me up" - porn for sickos.


But I don't like talking about this subject so let's move on.


These images are from a trip to Disney World. They have a "Alligator Swamp" and in 2016 a child actually was eaten by an alligator there, but in my case I wasn't meant to actually die where the images were taken… no, this is a code. This is me with a mcdonalds logo on my shorts, then alligator swamp attraction - then time passage. - this is a code to say they would feed me to alligators at my family's personal alligator pond on camera.



I was a sacrifice and many attempts were made to kill me but in this case it never actually got off the ground because the plan was two parts and the first part involved sending my father to prison. My father like myself was a cult victim and filmed his entire life. He was tricked into putting alligators into one of the family ponds. So by having me die by his action while he was in prison would be his ultimate punishment…


Punishment for what? My grandfather divorced his cultist wife and that put a curse on the heirs, which my father and I were. Our entire lives were jokes to the cult, a reality show for despots. My sister, mother and grandmother were in on it and my grandmother marrying my grandfather was in part to take over the family farmlands. This is how the cult steals inheritances. But to divorce the one meant to take over is to get the curse.



However the first part of the plan didn't work because one of my sisters was supposed to accuse my father of rape but was convinced to tell the truth, meanwhile my other sister did as the cult asked her to which is why she got to go to Space Camp as a reward after this. But anyway, no prison meant no getting eaten that day for me.


long story, that's why I direct people to the twitter.

Anonymous ID: e81c43 July 7, 2018, 8:46 p.m. No.2076797   🗄️.is 🔗kun


we are all victims, I don't have a monopoly on the truth nor am I the only extraterrestrial, I only wish to do my part which is what I'm here for : )

Anonymous ID: e81c43 July 7, 2018, 8:48 p.m. No.2076815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6841


I'll take my hugs with the other victims when it's time. Having met them I know I got off easy compared to some. One of them had a family of necrophilia cannibals. I thought I had a rough life but that was a mike drop moment.

Anonymous ID: e81c43 July 7, 2018, 8:51 p.m. No.2076853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6968


thank you, the tapes will wake people up and they are coming soon. Just have to get RR out of there and then it'll be time to begin unraveling the horrors of our world and the fact that Iw as recorded all my life lends a hell of a lot of proof to that horror. Coming soon to a theater near you as the QMAP says.


It's also connected to that pizza mueseum I think, - which I believe is going to be where they show people like me's videos to people in a proper setting. Orange as a color to the cult means "end" this is the end of the pizza code (pizza itself is a code as the ZZ's are for sleep and people like Anderson Cooper use a gold highligter to select targets to rape while sedated)

Anonymous ID: e81c43 July 7, 2018, 8:55 p.m. No.2076888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6895 >>6903


I come on here every once in a while and talk about it, I find it curious that the day I stated on my twitter that I was going to give a summary of my life (part of which I just posted) 8chan got the bug and froze. haha, I posted it on imgur and that got taken down in no time

Anonymous ID: e81c43 July 7, 2018, 9:02 p.m. No.2076945   🗄️.is 🔗kun







most of the images are in pairs like this which with context explains what the cult means to do, it's a way for the cult to talk to itself without generating evidence.


The same is true of this one with Hillary which Q referenced in the QMAP - a "Deal" - lights on lights off, I personally believe this is a deal to murder someone based on the lights off with gun hands - no glasses = disguise. A deal being rejected


ADT Security… this is one of the codes I got on my phone that led me to this company. this is how they get most of the footage from the home. It's complicated but in my case they put cameras literaly everywhere. But it wasn't just in the home but also at school and eventually when i got a job. My whole life has always been a joke to them.


So I moved into the Alan house and the first day I was soaked, it was representative of a babtism. That by itself is tame but remember the cult is watching it, they watch a scene like that as scene in a movie, building up to the torture.


And there was a lot of that. Everyday I would get on the bus the kids would just hit me over and over again. Trying to get me to turn as many colors through bruises as possible. And when I was worried they'd break my arm once and so I moved to a different seat up front. For the first time not letting them hit me, and then a girl asked me to move and I refused she said that she used to pity what they did to me, but now she could see I deserved it.


Obviously she was in on it as well, and that level of mental abuse, making me think I'm worthless while beating the hell out of me. Constantly targeted, that was my life growing up.


Just after moving into the Alan house this one was taken, apparantly there was a nosey neighbor (last post) that I never even remember but the nn double consonant is notable - this is to say to the cult "deal with her" - this is why I don't remember her I'm sure. She was probably concerned for me, : ( well, I hope she's alive.


this is me holding an erasor while wearing a shirt that says "Live to Ride" - this correlates with just after this my brakes failed at top speed and I did a full flip in the air on my bicycle and broke both my arms. This was a punishment because my father had bought a motercycle using the family money so to have me die this way, like with the crocs was punishing him just as much as me.


But just having someone screw with my brakes and then try to get me to ride at top speed is not "good cinema' they wanted to watch me die which is why on the family computer the only game we had was this one. "Stunts" - and I know for reasons too long to fully go into that this is what they wanted to show me playing before my death on the bike. The setup to the punchline of my death.


Motifs of eggs are prominent in my life, the "breaking of eggs" in particular, during an easter before this one I found my easter eggs covered in leeches -St. Thomas and along with the two St. James's I knew in my life were the plants meant to help guide me to my death.


There was also a photo in the cult chest of me getting the game Simon (I don't have all the images since my family took my computer) but anyway, just like with the game Stunts - this is all a leadup to the next attempt to kill me. The point of Simon is you do what you are told. And so…

Anonymous ID: e81c43 July 7, 2018, 9:06 p.m. No.2076977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7055


yes, I believe so, interestingly I figured this one out due to a shill on the greatawakening cropping out the highlighter and asking us to solve it - I solved it by realizing that Q said what was on the table not what was on the paper.


the paper is likely just a newsletter from a kidz kare kind of place - boy/girl/boy as the QMAP says - but they use codes - gold for reward - and in Cooper's case he uses a gold highlighter to pick his victims

Anonymous ID: e81c43 July 7, 2018, 9:10 p.m. No.2077006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7159


we are all anon here



which was the day I got taken to the facility with the other victims. haha I'll never forget Q chastising me for calling myself Alan

Anonymous ID: e81c43 July 7, 2018, 9:38 p.m. No.2077200   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I appreciate that, the tapes are coming. I'm not looking forward to seeing all my past humilations again but I don't think I'll be forced to watch them, and anyone who wishes to see a child be tortured there'll be a whole muesem and probably cemetary for us. the ones that didn't make it, I can't imagine how many there are. Certainly people like the school shooters, which is why our stories will wake people up so hard because it doesn't just include atrocities committed against us, also by us, by what they turned us into,. Our stories solve the mystery of school shooters


btw I'm a Harris to from my mothers side and his mother has the same name as my cultist sister.



oh that day I was in trouble I'm probably fine identifying as Alan now since I'm in hiding - it's just my first reaction since I got called out for it. You can check the thread before that one and see me screaming about being in trouble. In reality the good guys were in control and got me to meet the others