It's long past time to stop using the words 'the press' and 'media' and 'journalists' andto start calling them what they really are.
That dickstain is right about the impact of what's happening on liberal college campuses.
The Great Projection
The moron exposed themselves many weeks ago.
Anti-Flynn op crashed the moment it 'launched'
The Great Projection
Now that the radical left have proven itself to be either sourcing/funding, turning a blind eye, complicit in, conspiring with, or all of the above, terrorists groups who want to genocide millions and millions of innocent law abiding non-violent taxpaying jews,JEWS FOR TRUMP NOW MORE THAN EVER.
BeCaUsE hE sHoUlD hAvE sHuT Up
>Prove shill wrong
That isn't how it works, spammer.
>AIcanpredict political orientations from blank faces
>a study found that artificial intelligencecanbe successful in predicting a personโs political orientation based on images of expressionless faces.
>on par withhow well job interviews predict job success, or alcohol drives aggressiveness.
In other words, AI cannot in fact predict.
Jack Smith doesn't even have any legal standing to be doing anything he has been doing.
Trump can "disobey" everything Smith demands and Trump would be following the law while Smith would be breaking it.