>>20766481 (lb)
So what's the big deal?
They can't get a visa?
I must be missing something.
I did look it up before I posted, didn't make any sense to me.
Fucking Carpal Tunnel
Typing is fine but my middle finger on my mouse hand, FUCK me!
At least I'm on a laptop with touch screen.
I have a decent mouse & had an ergonomic mouse pad with a hump to hold your wrist but took it away cause it was worse.
Oh ok got it, yeah using my thumb to roll would be better.
I know we can use space bar but just holding the damn thing now is like wowza.
I'll make due, ty fren for the advise.
>they want him in jail
Slight correction
They want him in jail but not before they strip him of his SS protection.
Hence why he will receive a $10k fine for the 10 violations of the "gag order".
Next time after they strip him & he ramps it up on purpose they will place him in jail but it's all scripted.
No he won't have the SS protection (if he still did they would go in and protect the cell) & his personnel security won't be allowed in.
Have no fear anons.
God is protecting 4.10.20
What a mighty warrior he has sent for us!
Nah it's scripted fren
He has to be jailed for the every last normie to finally relate & wake the F up.
He knows it has to happen, why he will do what he has to.
If we ever make it to the other side which we will, maybe we go back to a monarchy & install him as king.
The Lord being ultimate King (ours will just be a title)
>"To the lord a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as a day"
Kek, was just a suggestion fren
What a fucking piece of trash human tho, fuck I don't try & judge other than to know who's who but dang he makes it hard.
Literally like eating shit when I hear him speak, did he ever play in any big movies? He says he's a comedian but never heard any thing close to funny from him, just vile spew of cum out of his pie hole.
Not the first thing but almost always on day/night some amount of time
Forgive me anon please but I can't for the life of me member the doushebags name, do you know?
Biden just crossed his heart with a cross like Catholics do when the lady introducing him spoke of Trump and then DeSantis, weird af. I'll try & clip it.
Oh yes that was cringy just reading it in my head but ty
I have a Pepe meme with him crying at the bar but can't find atm
Not the cross over the heart but watch this shit anons
Talk about a Freudian slip!
The Potatus has entered the Roomba zone in FL
cue the Q cards, kek
You think dude knows?
someone GRAB this! Please.
Anon has irl