flew a b2 super sonic bomber in WW2 - no lie
flew a b2 super sonic bomber in WW2 - no lie
like, lol. antiAmerican, like there's an I'm-[partial+ ju'dge
purple dye hair causes same, fren ses
ukranians line up for his war buck and cuckchine
how does that work during the Ken Tuck Derb
nigga talk neva heard round em parts, or is it as old as gaza en the promised land, its old and over - ova
long live FREEDOM
if u asking - u so shill - u walking talkin sa berian
pathetic pillow poi
democrackee - u even recognize or just degenarize?
question who is macho man and who is the hulk?
following line: …, grab me by muh pussie, please!
ladyG takes a pass, schmuck won't cuck – u know aishill will try, do it, do it - you won't remember what habbened the next day
love it when a kun comes together
Q-Z-a beth
got the R - do tell who is P