Can I show off my first video meme?
well i'm gunna
Can I show off my first video meme?
well i'm gunna
Yeah, I made this video but it took a lot longer than I thought. Much respect for people who make video memes now. What's your content? At least mine will help pass the time.
How does this guy keep getting access to random pedo sites?
Wait a minute, how the fuck do you get off knocking me for making a music video when you're just shitposting dank Trump memes?
The guy is a pedo who was set on fire by his wife, article came out yesterday. Supposed to be something like him going to Hell in the end, so ya eye fuck..
Leaf Bread, you should probably stop using a moniker at this point. It allows shills to just pop in on random IPs to bait you.
Anon, you don't just tell people to go meme. That isn't how inspiration works. If you are feeling this image, then how about you take up the task?
You forgot to IP switch.
You don't like the video? I watched it on loop like 20 times not to mention all the times I watched it to make the damn thing. I think it is nice, what's wrong with it? Suffering from some kind of MK Ultra flashing light brain wash?
No you have cyclical thought problems. You are obsessed with this one topic and do not stop. I have stood up for you time and time again, but it's becoming like a repeat of a bad song that you just can't get out of your head.
Just get it already.
And don't you fucking blame the hormones for the problems. YOU DECIDED TO TAKE THE KIKES CHEMICALS! YOU DECIDED THAT YOU WERE NOT GOOD ENOUGH! YOU LISTENED TO THE MEDIA! YOU LISTENED TO THE KIKE! So go ahead and blame everyone around you and fail to look in the mirror, go ahead and create monsters of those around. AND GO AHEAD AND FAIL TO SEE THAT PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO HELP YOU!
>This anime is too fucking weird.
No anon, I said content as in your own memes. Not as in give me content to make memes with.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
How is this good news?
And here you go again, like a broken record, the cyclical thought patterns. GET OVER IT YOU STUCK UP BITCH, GET OVER YOURSELF ALREADY! You will blame the world before you take a step back and ask yourself what am I doing to provoke the other?
Meh, I liked watching it. Was kinda of spoopy because the fire at the end looks like demons.
Maybe it will give some shills nightmares of where their consciousness is heading during the death process.
Okay, so then become an anon. How can your name be cleared if you won't meet halfway?
This is why we ask you to become an anon, grants immunity to such attacks.
Fucking lose your moniker.
Honestly, I don't think Leaf is bot spamming us or IP hopping.
This is literally like a girl who likes you but it pissed off that you don't notice her. No joke, this is literally what it seems like.
>This anime just gets weirder and weirder.
It's a fucking dairy cow, if you're seeing too many demons then maybe you need to grapple with your own. Don't toss stones my way.
You're seeing too many demons my dude, that dairy cow is 200% our friend okay?
Where do you think the trannies get the idea to have surgery and take chemicals? The kike, go ahead blame niggers for nigging, blame shitskins for blowing up over every little thing, but if you've been here long enough you figure out why there is discord and poor choices being made. The influence on the mind runs deeper, so please leave brittany alone.
A bit soon baker, could you repost towards to bottom to pick up stragglers when this is filled?