Anonymous ID: 6ef79b July 7, 2018, 10:18 p.m. No.2077508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7525 >>7554 >>7647



man how many times did BO tell you to stop banning?


how many times did he have to pull your mod privileges just to get you to respond to communications via the board messages and other applications?


you were overdue to be stripped of those privileges.


I never thought you were a shill but I felt like you did whatever you felt was right and never listened to your peers. and this bullshit act of crying about it, making your own board and banning/deleting everyone that posts there and then crying here is really telling.


I didn't even give a fuck about the "whitewashing notables" BO said no more bans and you always act above the rules so yeah you deserve to lose your mod privileges because I'm sick of taking shit for your bans when they don't do a damn thing. Hell I'm almost convinced some of the spam is you

Anonymous ID: 6ef79b July 7, 2018, 10:28 p.m. No.2077591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7632


been here just as long and been baking just as long as you have so um, kek.


you cant prove you didn't ban patriots as many don't know how to contact folks outside the board.


this isn't about notables.


you are becoming a bigger faggot than baruch, stop while you have dignity and just contribute to the research/baking.

Anonymous ID: 6ef79b July 7, 2018, 10:41 p.m. No.2077702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7724 >>7735


that's not true frankly there have been ban appeals which you have denied routinely.


and you are saying that you went out of your way to spend weeks breaking the moderation policy BO set.


wasn't it like 4 times he took away your mod login just to get you to respond to him?


especially after you did this shit. he gave you every opportunity to get with the program and I even defended you at times but I'm done.

Anonymous ID: 6ef79b July 7, 2018, 10:51 p.m. No.2077786   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>be retarded bv

>ban shitloads of anons because muh golden rule

>BO takes massive heat

>board in open revolt

>BO messages me

>fuckoff pleb

>suddenly no longer able to ban


>BO says stop banning

>you bet man I was just trying to keep the shills down

>BO says stop it or he wont give back my BV status

>rinse and repeat x4

>I issue a swath of bans. I am an internet hero. dispatching swift justice to all those who would oppose the president of america

>BO says hes taking my mod privlages

>BO says all the other BVs messaged him asking things like WTF and when will we stop this faggot

>BO takes my BV

>proceed to shit all over myself and the board I "protect" until its nap time and momy makes my tendies