Next time the BAKER
Heads off to bake
It would be nice to post a reminder
That the current bread will be posted
At the end of Bread #2613
Next time the BAKER
Heads off to bake
It would be nice to post a reminder
That the current bread will be posted
At the end of Bread #2613
Why speed it up
The things they accuse Trump of doing
Are psychological projections
They are essentially confessing that these
Are the things they did
This is the first mention of a Ponzi scheme
Perhaps we need to dig into Brennan
And his associated to look for signs
Of a Ponzi investment scheme
Or some Multi-level marketing business.
CM is short for CodeMonkey
That was the nickname of the Software Developer
AKA Programmer
Who runs all of infinitychan and can fix/change code
Or move the server around, etc.
He has powerful backers
Who are helping him defend the site
Against DDOS and other attacks
Are you saying that not all offspring are suitable for full bloodline membership
So they winnow the wheat from the chaff
Then train the wheat further
And sacrifice the chaff?
I have reminded the board a few times
Of Shamila N Chaudhary
But now I want to say why I may be wrong
In Pakistan, incest is common
Families only marry 1st cousins
So that inheritance stays in the extended family
Not everybody does this but it is common
I once met a fellow at work
Who had a 2 year work visa from Pakistan
After one year he went home
And quit
But he had said something one night over drinks
About how the family helped him get the visa
And he had to share everything with the family
I wonder if he also shared his visa
With one year left
Any cousin who looked like him
Could have used it.
So, Shamila N Chaudhary might not be the man on the couch
But I think the similarities show
She is a close relative at least
So we need to look at her past
At dates
And if she is too young
Then look at her relatives
I can't find it any more
But when the couch photo first appeared months ago
And we were looking for Hussein in tribal gear
I think I saw the name Chaudhary as couch guy's name
But I also saw a couple of other names
As if somebody was trying to shit up the web
And confuse us.
Life is great
When you got Frankie and the boys behind you
Nothin' but blue skies from hereon.
Not only is he a PUSSY
That dumbass is too stupid
To find his way to the bread
And so dumb that he hasn't figured out
We provoke people like him
To out him as a reflexive
A non-autist
Who simply does not belong here
People who want to learn about Q
And his intel drops
Should be on Twitter
There is far more info on there
Well look at that
It's not just evil corrupt Jews
And evil corrupt Catholics
And evil corrupt Islam
And evil corrupt Dutch Reformed Church
But we have evil corrupt Buddhism as well.
Something tells me that we need a better way
To identify what is a religion
A set of legal tests
And if an organization does not pass such tests
They do not get any of the privileges of a religion
For instance, if a law says that a congregation of a recognized religion pays less tax
Those who fail the tests, pay the corporate rate
We could go even further
And have certain legal tests
That if they fail
The organization gets declared a criminal organization
For instance if a minister espouses violence
We sieze the church, and all his possessions
And everyone in the congregation
Gets an IRS audit
First things first, second things second
If we want to separate the wheat from the chaff
We must go through the winnowing
Which takes time
But when the winnowing is over
It will be GLORIOUS
Because we will be Winning!
The true autists on this board
Know that Q is a LARP
We laugh at the followers
They are the sheep
Their tongues extended
Head back
Waiting for the golden showers
To descend from heaven
Meanwhile we the true autists
Are deep underground
But we are not DUMB
We are digging for precious nuggets
Of fact
That we can connect to see the full picture
And then we can draw the map
We are too busy rereading crumbs and digging
To bother much with Q's LARP
And the silly shilly minds
That whine and complain and cry all the time
Where is the courage
Where is the fortitude
Where are the leaders and teachers
Who will play the game of politics
And pass on their skills to others
Because when America comes calling
They will not be looking for whiners
They will be looking for those
Who paid attention to the message
And not to the messenger
Who happens to be an A-class LARPer, by the way
We know where the buck stops
Because we traced the Q
And our finger pointed out the truth
We are NOT Q followers
We are
The Q Tracers
Come and join us!
The crumbs are messages
We read the messages
They are facts
The messenger, Q is a LARP
He is not important
Facts are important
They are in the crumbs
And they are on websites all over the web
We search
We hunt
We investigate
We do not follow
Because we do not know where we are going
Or what the road is to get there
We are the explorers
The surveyors of unknown territories
We are the builders of the roads
We are the drawers of the maps
We do the work
By the sweat of our brows
Call us Q tracers if you will
But not followers
YOU are the followers
You see our tracers glowing
As they race through the jungle of information
You follow our bright sparks
We light the way
We are the Q tracers
If you were an autist
You would understand
How to deal with contradictions and chaos
Move forward. Never stop.
And try to BELIEVE at least one impossible thing
Before breakfast