Anonymous ID: a9b11a July 7, 2018, 9:46 p.m. No.2077245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7258 >>7340 >>7397



Q said as much to me when I asked about all the depressing boring parts of my life. Why wouldn't they make it more exciting? And the answer was that it was to turn wheat from chaff. That is to say the boring parts are necessary for what they are going for or at least irrelevent compared to the moments they film. They don't actually watch all the footage from a lifetime of abuse after all, so it was curious that you said that.


Not all the bakers are Q but some are and just like with my phone codes they send I also get messages through the board titles a times. Other people to, not direct communication cause as the QMAP says that's a nono, but indirect using this platform. Just like how reflections don't break rules, being indirect is OK

Anonymous ID: a9b11a July 7, 2018, 10:04 p.m. No.2077395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7433


I was talking about video related fuckery, because they had so much filming of us but that context works to.


My family is cult minus myself and my dead father, and grandfather. The cult married my grandfather into it, but when he divorced his wife we got fucked.


It's plausible that all powerful families sacrifice a kid to the experimentation's and it was just my turn as the 3rd child. The cult usually only allows 2 kids based on what I know of the other cultists, anymore and the third gets sacrificed - so take your pick, either due to my grandfather fucking them over or due to me being the third born - either way I got cursed and my sister sacrificed me to "drink the bloodline"


that's what the epstien bloodlines mean


this is the university my cultist sister went to, she worked under Obama 2 years ago at the E.P.A. she delivered the Alan tapes through to D.O.E. Q-Clearence which is where the bad guys consolodated much of their illegal material.

Anonymous ID: a9b11a July 7, 2018, 10:10 p.m. No.2077438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7487 >>7553 >>7575

this was also in the cult chest. It's like a plaque, and all my friends the cult gave me were stabbing me in the back constantly. Long story…


Abuse for so many years led me to be suicidal by age 12, and I'm a Harris too btw from my Mothers side, but anyway, some of the others were pushed so far they became school shooters. This is the secret of that, it's people the cult films and tortures to death but if they torture them the right way they can turn them into monsters.


And one of the cultists gave me pipe-bombs just randomly out of nowhere even though we hadn't even talked for years. He just knew I was upset and along with other people were trying to talk me into pulling a Columbine before there was a columbine. They were probably pushing all the victims hoping one of us would do it.


This is where I went to school, and I was so depressed I begged one of the bullies. A Rob Sator, rather than Rob Hays (because it sounds like Satan I think) and he was sadistic, and he would kick cats, and terrorize the baby lamb school. Yes a Lambkin was our school mascot and it's a baby lamb. It's not that far away from Columbine either.


I imagine when they showed me "Th Silence of the Lambs" it was to juxtapose me murdering the school if I ever did it,all for the "Alan Show"



none of the victims know they are victims, I told 20 of them at the facility and it's clear at least this one anon knew, and he knew before I did

Anonymous ID: a9b11a July 7, 2018, 10:13 p.m. No.2077471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7477 >>7481 >>7996


my mother's name is Lisa, her sister's name is Lynn my granmother's names are Louise and Linda- my nieces names are Lauren and well, you get the point. the "L" code is one of many - they are the women that make you lose.


They seduce their way and steal inheritances I believe and torture the offspring with any female children they have.


That's my current interpteation - but the L thing goes even into the places they stay and univerrsities they go to.


Mostly the "It's happening" thing - is curious to me because that's the motto of that school and the day I realized I was surrounded by cultists was the day the QBOARD went into phase 2 and put it's happening! everywhere in huge bold letters


well, given that victims like me unlock the meaning of school shooters and much else, it's sort of a jenga piece the bad guys can't afford to lose - Q ripping me out from their clutches was a huge win!


The tapes will expose it all

Anonymous ID: a9b11a July 7, 2018, 10:20 p.m. No.2077524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7618


adt security was the answer I got on my phone. The good guys were trying to get in contact with me through my phone since last november but I only started looking closer at the numbers they sent (and when searched it would reveal messages I could read through some magic of search engines) but anyway, ADT puts cameras all around and I'm sure my sister and mother also had them.


note the "Betrayal" on the TV, the cult doesn't say things directly usually but this is a rare exception that spells it out- this image is part of a larger set that like usual spells out the next attempt at murdering me, but that's how they do it. they send eachother charades like messages and use colors at times to further give context -

Anonymous ID: a9b11a July 7, 2018, 10:27 p.m. No.2077575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7700



screwed up part of it - this is because I was posting from a summary I wrote two days ago of this and it got cut up - but anyway



I was so depressed I begged one of the bullies to kill me after he said he could do it quickly and easily for anyone who would pay him - so I did. But then he walked up behind me and just went through the motions of trying to snap my neck but when he realized I wasn't joking he didn't - we even worked out a perfect escape plan for him with me taking all the blame and never leading back to him - but well, I didn't know it was all on film and that the bad guys only kill on special days


The one I begged was named Rob Sator, rather than Rob Hays (because it sounds like Satan I think) and he was sadistic, and he would kick cats, and terrorize the baby lamb school. Yes a Lambkin was our school mascot and it's a baby lamb. It's not that far away from Columbine either.


the cult gives us one friend. In fact…. this Eyes Wide Shut is a response to me on the QBoard after I posted that I thought the owl watching me was a victim too. I just couldn't percieve that my only friend for over 20 years was bad. But it's true. He was only there go get me to where the cameras needed me to be and to say the perfect words before my death.

Anonymous ID: a9b11a July 7, 2018, 10:48 p.m. No.2077755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7837

>>2077700 see

>>2077701 for the twitter


and yea I can go on and come back, I believe that's what they want me to do


all the other victims shared, most of us, once we started talking you couldn't shut us up. My owl would have me talk for hours and hours, doing what amounts to stand up comedy. So that they could use that for the Alan Show, say something funny and then I die, a big highlight reel,


I've met a St. Thomas just like Epstien Island and also two different St. James's again just like Epstein Island - the later of which was my best friend for 20 years and he went to this school. The cult exists in this little symbolic existence, they never say anything about committing crimes yet represent everything symbolically. This is probably why Q says that symbolism will be their downfall.


Another symbolism they would constantly give me as a joke to the camera is the idea that they are always drilling into my brain. I've met a number of bullies in my life who tortured me relentlessly and among them was a Rob Hays (like Hazing) and he would draw a comic book character he made called "The Drill" and then there's St. James whose favorite movie was Pi about a man who ends up drilling into his own head, and there's so much more than that…..


convince me my ideas were brilliant and that they were identical to a Nobel prize winning thesis… of course that's absurd as I know now but watching someone trick someone else into believing such a thing, well, my entire life has been a joke for their amusement. The first thing that owl did that impress me back in junior high school was tell me he read the entire dictionary and I believed it - gullible me - always taught wrong and incapable of seeing through such an obvious lie. fun video I suppose for despots.

Anonymous ID: a9b11a July 7, 2018, 11:02 p.m. No.2077880   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank you, I don't even like using twitter but it's the place Q cleaned out and asked me to use so I've been trying to do my part.


I believe my trip to the facility was foretold by the QMAP - I was supposed to get in contact with the others and I did, I told all of them and I hope they are doing well.


Now I'm just trying to do what I can to spread the message, the real pity is I gave all the victims an e-mail address I no longer have access to but hopefully just me telling them what is what has been enough to help the cause.

Anonymous ID: a9b11a July 7, 2018, 11:08 p.m. No.2077928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7943 >>8026


military is a part of it cause it's all people the cult hates. I met two seperate military men at the facility - one of which had one leg and was being tortured bt the bad guys - I had to break the news to him and the other one. Made me cry, but well this is all a system of abuse that is directed to those the cult has a vengence against - that includes if perhaps a military person killed a baddie the baddies liked - or in my case to steal my grandfather's land through taking over the bloodline - drinking it. that's what epstien island is all about - they watch our videos there and on special days pray for our death - they set it up sometimes like a rube goldberg machine - trying to make it so they don't have to pull the trigger themselves but trick you into doing it yourself. That's what they did with me by leading me to a dangerous river and getting me to jump into it - as well as riding a bike with breaks they sabotaged that would give out when going fast (I broke both arms but avoided my head doing a full flip in the air) I'm sure that was fun to watch.

But anyway, I'm just saying they get uses out of us, both entertainment and experiments. This is me as 01AB - and an A/B experiment is another cult thing - lots of people with AB in their name but I go into that on the twitter and well, the experiments into each of us had variations - for example I had no door and another victim was locked inside a basement his chiildhood and another lived underground


a/b experiments all of us

Anonymous ID: a9b11a July 7, 2018, 11:11 p.m. No.2077961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7975 >>7991


this is how I learned I needed to foia myself, by a Q proxy answering it - and I did


after words all hell broke loose - and Stay Tuned is a code for me. the date I went to the hotel before facility and talked here,…. anyway, long story


and when I asked about the tapes being released and the holdup the answer was the DOJ needs to be cleaned up and so that's all that remains and it'll happen soon : )

Anonymous ID: a9b11a July 7, 2018, 11:21 p.m. No.2078024   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the funny thing to me is I remember days before I opened the cult chest someone ridiculed me something like you are, about who the hell I thought I was - and I was just doing research and I proclaimed I'm nobody! and I panicked cause of social phobias up the wazoo, but then slowly I realized I'm some kind of chess piece on the board, not a big one but the one that(with us other victims) unlock the school shooting stuff and much else.


It's not all about me, it's not all about you, it's about everyone. I was wrong when I thought I was nobody and you are wrong to think I'm everybody

Anonymous ID: a9b11a July 7, 2018, 11:23 p.m. No.2078034   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yes, they did get me to start fires as a kid and a few other bad habits I havent' yet shared on my twitter- but when the tapes are released I guess people will know even the parts I hide most of all now

Anonymous ID: a9b11a July 7, 2018, 11:24 p.m. No.2078045   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have no idea, I assume so given this extraterrestrial was rescued seemingly, and seemed to know what I learned months after they did.


I only met the 20 victims at the facility so I just can't answer your question with any kind of authority. I only know the tiny part of the puzzle I'm a part of which sort of connects it to a bigger mosiac