>>2077188 (lb)
>If you have someone at Twitter who knows how the hash is crafted, combined with the fact that the hashes are increasing/cycling per image per account, you could calculate for specific date or time frame that would get you into a range of DOITQxxxxxxxx kind of hashes.
Here are the algorithms their core library uses.
def byName(name: String): KeyHasher = {
name match {
case "fnv" =FNV1_32
case "fnv1" =FNV1_32
case "fnv1-32" =FNV1_32
case "fnv1a-32" =FNV1A_32
case "fnv1-64" =FNV1_64
case "fnv1a-64" =FNV1A_64
case "ketama" =KETAMA
case "crc32-itu" =CRC32_ITU
case "hsieh" =HSIEH
case "murmur3" =MURMUR3
case _ =throw new NoSuchElementException(name)