Based on this testimony, the doctors and nurses are either criminally stupid, crminally negligent, or just plain Nazi murderers.
years ago I asked why the Georgia Satanic Stones were still standing, Then they blasted with a DEW.
So I'll ask a new question; Why the fuck are these assholes still on earth ?
Agreed, but like the death camp guards and executioners, following orders was not a defense accepted at Nuremberg. Which city will the new bioweapon accessory trials occur ? Nuremberg sounds like a good city to revisit crimes against humanity.
The declaration of independence and our constitution with the bill of rights.
We are ruled by an unconstitutional Foreign Corporation since 1871. 2021 was supposed to be the completion of the 150 year phase to usher in the NWO. DJT was an anamoly and last ditch effort to save the republic.
Personally this anon feels the current state is not sustainable and the country goes kinetic before election day, because the war mongers are marching us to WWIII, but I think the grunts will go awol before being drafted for a world war.
Snowden as a contractor had the opportunity to become a whistleblower. Instead he ran away and is now a modern day benedict arnold, Living his life out with a Russian wife that is his control. His whining and commentary are those of a spoiled child.
I have no narrative, just a premonition. Why the hostility? If you still believe there is a plan, Bless your heart. If not, do you really think things will stay as they are ?
>Things will not stay as they are, either way.
Now I can agree to this statement.
But I will not live in that global communistic society nor go auietly into that good night !