corsi pays more if you show him your dinky homo
rev 3:9 synagoge of satan
>>2078555 this is month ten
send cash
that's 50k homo, $50 and the lady can watch too
jeez these fagOTUS pedoraptor memes are tacky like the cia
you spent money on all that propoganda and/or committed treason depending on your tax situation, kys cia nigga
you will number fag and proselytize like a cia nigga death bag
analog meme processor from teh cold war
>>2078687 come down to taco country homo
raging tweaker frat boys of teh cuntry join elbows and proclaim fagOTUS your cia savior for subverssive behaiors and chitty cocaine and crappy infomercials and really tacky real estate places and pedoraptors and bad buffets and a laundry list of treason , it is called a 'peking duck' after the secret services attitude towrds nixon of yesteryear
the doorknob beats the freezer apparently
teh chitty ones eh?
stfu fag
gtfo vampire
frump is a speed bump from the time machine snafus that carried on the gestapi pol from the roth pedoraptors, he was foisted into office so god and aliens wouldnlt take over the planet from these zombies. but now it is a more progressive transition.
faggot frat boy batter
stockholm syndrome is a german condition that the cia relies on
they also proselytize and evangelize