don't use it.
the greek god of war
god of war
Shocking scenes in Ireland tonight.
The gardai appear to be enforcing some form of martial law, invading housing estates and stopping cars.
Locals have been beaten, women have been pepper sprayed, and an entire community is being terrorised by the state.
More disturbing footage from newtownmountkennedy tonight as local women are rushed by the riot squad.
>It is by far the most incredibly evil event I have witness in my 65 years of living
me too. it's a big brazen move.
>whose diet seemingly consists of which color meat they want for the meal
they have the power to chose.
it's going to be a cruel summer.
imagine the smell
The way to defeat the deepstate is to build around it. Keep building competing parallel structures around it until you are larger and more powerful, then destroy it.
will be 50 years old in 2068