Anonymous ID: 20e3da April 27, 2024, 10:07 a.m. No.20786084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6087 >>6119 >>6127 >>6300 >>6302 >>6347 >>6439 >>6502

"Im a farmer. I belong to many farming groups and one of them is a farmers milking under 250 head of cattle.


One of the main topics being discussed is a mystery illness that had been infecting dairy cattle in the Texas pan handle the past couple weeks. And its spreading. It started right after the fires.


Read about it here



Its the bird flu that is crossing over to cows from migratory birds coming back from their winter migration.


WHAT WE FARMERS KNOW IS THIS IS COMPLETE B/S and there's more to this disease than they're telling us.






ZOETIS Establishes Research Facility with Texas A&M University to Develop Vaccines for Transboundary and Emerging Diseases in Animals facility that isn't far from the Texas Pan handle.


It just opened in 2020




I know you guys are amazing sleuths and Im hoping you might point out where this research facility is?


We might have another lab leak here

McCullough Foundation



BREAKING - The current widespread H5N1 Bird Flu strain (clade that is infecting cattle belongs to the [b]same H5N1 clade ( that the @USDA has been performing serial passage (gain-of-function) experiments on since before the outbreak began[/b]. Urgent investigation is required to ensure that no laboratory leaks occurred"


McCullough Foundation



BREAKING - The current widespread H5N1 Bird Flu strain (clade that is infecting cattle belongs to the same H5N1 clade ( that the @USDA has been performing serial passage (gain-of-function) experiments on since before the outbreak began. Urgent investigation is required to ensure that no laboratory leaks occurred

Anonymous ID: 20e3da April 27, 2024, 10:12 a.m. No.20786107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6136 >>6160 >>6300 >>6302 >>6347 >>6439 >>6502

FCC reinstates Net Neutrality in the US to ensure a level playing field for all internet users


In a nutshell: The FCC has voted to reinstate net neutrality in the US seven years after being repealed under former FCC Chair Ajit Pai. The 3-2 vote on Thursday was along party lines, with the three Democratic commissioners, including Chair Jessica Rosenworcel, voting in favor of the bill.


The Obama-era rules classify broadband service providers in the US as common carriers under Title II of the Telecommunications Act, subjecting them to the same regulatory oversight as telephone networks and cable TV. According to the FCC, the open internet standard will "protect consumers, defend national security, and advance public safety."


Internet service providers (ISPs) were classified as common carriers in 2015 under the Obama administration's Open Internet Order, a move that aimed to bring them under regulatory oversight. The order also introduced a set of net neutrality rules, ensuring an open and equally accessible internet for all users. However, these rules were overturned a few years later, a decision criticized by net neutrality advocates nationwide.


Today we voted to restore Net Neutrality. This reestablishes a national open internet standard to protect consumers, defend national security, and advance public safety.


– The FCC (@FCC) April 25, 2024

The principle of net neutrality states that all internet traffic, irrespective of their source or destination, must be treated the same. As part of that principle, the rules bar the creation of "internet fast lanes" that could offer a massive advantage to corporate monoliths to the detriment of their competitors. Without net neutrality, behemoths like Google, Meta, and Microsoft could pay large sums of money to ISPs to get fast upstream connectivity to end users, while reducing the speeds of their smaller competitors to a crawl.


However, net neutrality aims to prevent such scenarios to ensure a level playing field for all internet users regardless of who they are. The rules also prevent anti-consumer behavior, like the so-called "zero-rating" schemes that involve ISPs arbitrarily exempting particular websites and services from data caps to boost their traffic artificially.


This week's vote to restore net neutrality has received widespread support from activists and former FCC commissioners, who believe that it will lay the bedrock for a consumer-friendly internet. However, it also has some notable dissenters, including Ajit Pai, who criticized the FCC's actions as a "complete waste of time" and blamed "a gaggle of Beltway partisans" for imposing an unwanted regulation on American citizens.

Anonymous ID: 20e3da April 27, 2024, 10:13 a.m. No.20786115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6117 >>6300 >>6302 >>6347 >>6439 >>6502


Russia asks United Nations to consider sanctioning Israel

The Ramadan ceasefire in Gaza was not implemented, Moscow’s envoy to the UN has said


Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzia has called on the United Nations to consider imposing sanctions on Israel over its non-compliance with obligatory resolutions passed by the Security Council.


He noted that UNSC Resolution 2728 demanded a ceasefire in Gaza during Ramadan, and this had not been implemented by Israel.


“We remind you once again that non-compliance with mandatory Security Council resolutions must lead to sanctions against violators. We believe that the Council should consider this issue without delay,” Nebenzia said on Thursday during a UN Security Council meeting.


French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne also called for sanctions on Israel earlier this month. In February, Paris sanctioned 28 Israeli nationals, though the French government has not published their names.


The Hamas ceasefire resolution was adopted by the Security Council on March 25 in a vote of 14 in favor to none against, with the US abstaining. The document demanded a ceasefire in Gaza during Ramadan, the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, and for humanitarian access to Gaza to be ensured.


The delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza is nearly impossible at the moment, Nebenzia said, pointing to data from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, which demonstrates that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are currently blocking half of the humanitarian convoys heading to the region.


Earlier this month, Israel admitted that the IDF had mistakenly conducted a strike that the World Central Kitchen group said killed seven of the organization’s personnel – three British nationals, an Australian, a Palestinian, a Pole, and a US-Canadian.


Shortly after the US abstained on the UN Gaza ceasefire resolution, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a planned visit to Washington by a high-level delegation in protest over the move. He accused the White House of “retreating” from what he said had been a “principled position” by allowing the vote to pass without attaching conditions providing for the release of hostages held by Hamas.


Hamas raided nearby Israeli military bases and villages on October 7, killing more than 1,100 Israelis and taking over 200 hostage. Israel responded by declaring war on the group and invading Gaza. The military operation has reduced much of the enclave to rubble, claiming the lives of more than 33,000 Palestinians over the past six months, according to local authorities.


A weeklong truce deal reached in late November saw 105 hostages freed in exchange for 240 Palestinian prisoners.


On Wednesday, Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani said negotiations stalled between Israel and Hamas to secure a truce in Gaza and a release of more hostages.

Anonymous ID: 20e3da April 27, 2024, 10:15 a.m. No.20786123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6125 >>6300 >>6302 >>6347 >>6439 >>6502


Area 51 has ultra-secure 'base within a base' where dazzling secret aircraft are tested, says expert whose home was raided over website revealing 'truth' of Nevada UFO base


The owner of a website compiling information about Area 51 believes the military is testing new technology at a covert 'base within a base' in the Nevada desert.


Joerg Arnu has been running since the early days of the Internet. The site was launched in 1999, complete with a forum for equally enthusiastic fans to trade theories about happenings at the Air Force facility.


Some of those who post on the site are former Area 51 staffers - and Arnu's home was recently raided by the Feds, convincing him that at least one user had shared the truth about what happens there.


Area 51 has long been seen as a site where recovered alien technology is tested, with at least one former worker, Bob Lazar, saying they'd seen extraterrestrial aircraft on display.


Skeptics say those incredible claims provide a useful distraction from the very real but extremely-secretive military aircraft that are definitely developed and tested there.


Arnu, a self-branded 'Area 51 research veteran,' is one of roughly 50 people living in Rachel, Nevada, right on the outskirts of the military base.


And with 25 years of research under his belt, Arnu believes the real secrets are now being hidden in a new part of Area 51, which sits north of the existing runways and base buildings.


'They have years and years and decades of experience hiding things,' Arnu told 8 News Now.


Joerg Arnu, the owner of, believes the U.S. military is testing cutting-edge technology out in the Nevada desert

Joerg has been documenting the happenings around Area 51 since 1999 from his home in Rachel, located just on the outskirts of the base

The Air Force facility, located 120 miles outside Las Vegas, has been shrouded in a veil of mystery since its founding nearly seven decades ago

This bizarre-looking early stealth plane, named Tacit Blue, was developed in total secrecy in Area 51 in the early 1980s and only revealed in 1996, years after it had been decommissioned. It serves as a useful example of just how tightly Area 51 bosses keep their secrets to their chests

Copy link to paste in your message

This bizarre-looking early stealth plane, named Tacit Blue, was developed in total secrecy in Area 51 in the early 1980s and only revealed in 1996, years after it had been decommissioned. It serves as a useful example of just how tightly Area 51 bosses keep their secrets to their chests


The United States' new B-21 Stealth Raider was also likely developed at Area 51, and remained completely secret until its unveiling in 2021

'Look at some of the exotic planes, like the Tacit Blue that was developed in total secrecy, was flown in secrecy, then all of a sudden, they put it in a museum and said, "yeah, we had this for a while".'


Arnu was referring to a bizarre duck-bill shaped Northrup jet that was an early stealth prototype, first tested at Area 51 in 1982, decommissioned in 1985 and finally unveiled 11 years later, in 1996.


He said the fact that such a bizarre-looking plane could remain secret for so long gives a hint as to what else is kept far away from the public's eyes at Area 51's ultra-secret enclave.


Area 51, located 120 miles outside Las Vegas, has been shrouded in a veil of secrecy since its founding in 1955, when it was established as part of the Nevada Test and Training Range complex.


Reports of 'unidentified flying objects' soon began to crop up. Those appeared to stem from testing of the U-2 aircraft, which could fly up to 50,000 feet higher than normal airliners at the time.


Since then, Area 51 has continued to serve as the testing ground for other stealth aircrafts like the F-117A, A-12 and Tacit Blue. The military's stunning new B-21 Stealth Raider was also likely developed and tested at Area 51.


The military only acknowledged the base's existence in 2013, when a formerly classified document about the U-2 was obtained by the National Security Archive at George Washington University.



Anonymous ID: 20e3da April 27, 2024, 10:16 a.m. No.20786125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6439 >>6502


There were efforts to share more information about the facility before then. In the early 2000s, an Area 51 watchdog named Chuck Clark revealed that the military had placed sensors miles outside the base's boundaries, leading to a raid on his home.


And he wasn't the only one, as Arnu’s properties were swarmed by gun-toting counter-terrorism agents in November 2022.


He was in bed at his home in Rachel when around two dozen agents burst through the door, handcuffed him and led him outside for questioning.


But all the prying came at a price, as Arnu and his girlfriend, Linda Hellow, were targeted in an FBI raid in November 2022

According to a search warrant, Arnu was suspected to be in violation of Title 18 of the United States Code, accused of 'conspiracy' and 'photographing defense installations'

The webmaster believes cutting-edge military technology like drones and unmanned warplanes are being tested at Area 51

'The FBI wants to shut us down with unjustified raids and false accusations. Help us fight for our First Amendment Right!' reads a banner on the website

Over 100 miles away in Las Vegas, girlfriend Linda Hellow was similarly awoken by FBI agents who ordered her to come downstairs at gunpoint.


The agents seized four of Arnu’s computers, several hard drives, phones, cameras and a drone. They also swiped photos of his late parents and records containing personal information.


Arnu was handed a search warrant reviewed by, which starts on page 40. The document indicates that Arnu violated Title 18 of the United States Code, accusing him of 'conspiracy' and 'photographing defense installations'.


He later learned that the raid was carried out by a joint team from the FBI and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, a counter intelligence wing that investigates terrorist groups targeting the Air Force.


Nearly two years later, Arnu is unsure whether he will face jail time. However, the government's case against him - whatever it may be - hasn't stopped him from continuing his mission.


The webmaster said he suspects military technology like drones and unmanned warplanes are being tested at Area 51.


'They are flying drones, obviously,' Arnu said. 'The Russians and Chinese work on stuff to jam our drones, we work on stuff to jam their drones. The next step is how do we make drone communications more secure.'


However, the tests are being conducted under even greater secrecy, at a 'base within a base' that is only visible to those with their own satellite.


Arnu is unsure whether he will face jail time, but the raid did not deter him from continuing to dig into the mystery surrounding Area 51

The 'Area 51 research veteran' suspects drone-jamming technology is being tested out in the desert

He says the experiments are being conducted at a highly secure 'base within in a base' north of Groom Lake that is only visible to those with their own satellite

'They have a whole empty valley just north of Groom Lake, and they have the mountain range where they can pretty much play with anything they want,' Arnu explained.


All this information and more can be found at, which has been running ad-free since March 2019.


A flashy banner on the site encourages people to donate to a GoFundMe, reading, 'Freedom of Speech under attack: The FBI wants to shut us down with unjustified raids and false accusations. Help us fight for our First Amendment Right!'


Arnu doesn't intend to abandon his mission soon, and doesn't believe the shadowy agents testing military tech in the desert plan to stop either.


'It’s booming out there,' Arnu said. 'Area 51 is not going anywhere.'


Area 51 sits within a huge exclusion zone near Rachel. Sensors have been planted in the ground to warn security of any unauthorized visitors and anyone who crosses the perimeter - which sits many miles from the base itself - faces felony charges.


2 of 2

Anonymous ID: 20e3da April 27, 2024, 10:16 a.m. No.20786129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6150 >>6163 >>6300 >>6302 >>6347 >>6439 >>6502


$10,000,000,000 Bank Shut Down by US Regulators in First Bank Failure of 2024


US regulators just announced the first bank failure of 2024.


The FDIC says it has stepped in to protect $6 billion in assets and $4 billion in customer deposits at Philadelphia-based Republic Bank.


The assets will be immediately handed over to Fulton Bank, a former rival that’s also located in Philadelphia.


“Republic Bank’s 32 branches in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York will reopen as branches of Fulton Bank on Saturday (for branches with normal Saturday hours) or on Monday during normal business hours.


This evening and over the weekend, depositors of Republic Bank can access their money by writing checks or using ATM or debit cards. Checks drawn on Republic Bank will continue to be processed and loan customers should continue to make their payments as usual.”


The failure follows last year’s high profile collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and First Republic, which are among the biggest bank failures in American history.


The FDIC expects the failure of Republic Bank to cost about $667 million, which will be deducted from the FDIC’s bank-sponsored Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF).


Concern about the health of the banking industry at large has persisted this year, triggered by fears over the industry’s exposure to the troubled commercial real estate market and unrealized losses on US Treasuries.

Anonymous ID: 20e3da April 27, 2024, 10:47 a.m. No.20786229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6241 >>6300 >>6302 >>6347 >>6439 >>6502

the U.S. to default on its debt in 2025, Trump or Biden it is coming anyway…


If Trump is elected president in November, he will face the U.S. government’s growing debt burden. He might try to resolve the issue by defaulting.


Mark Peterson/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

Donald Trump knows a thing or two about defaulting on debt. His businesses have filed for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code at least four times to overcome excessive indebtedness: first with Trump Taj Mahal in 1991, then Trump Plaza Hotel in 1992, Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts 12 years later, and Trump Entertainment Resorts in 2009.


Moreover, Trump openly boasts about this strategy. “I have used the laws of this country just like the greatest people that you read about every day in business have…

Anonymous ID: 20e3da April 27, 2024, 10:49 a.m. No.20786235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6300 >>6302 >>6347 >>6439 >>6502

Florida real estate sellers slashing home prices as inventory surges to uncomfortable levels


Real estate inventory in parts of Florida is surging to uncomfortable levels — and sellers are beginning to slash prices, according to a report.


On the west coast of Florida, the number of houses up for sale and the rate at which their current owners are cutting asking prices is soaring, according to a report from real estate company Redfin released Thursday.


Redfin found that in the western parts of the state, whose coastline is on the Gulf of Mexico, inventory in Cape Coral and North Port has jumped the most, about 50% year-over-year as of March — more than any other US metro.


Trendy North Port-Sarasota saw homes for sale rise 48%, while the figure in upscale West Palm Beach, known to be home to wealthy snowbirds during the Northeast’s cold winters, rose a more modest 20%.


Aerial view of Florida's Gulf Coast beach with buildings, highlighting the surging real estate market

On Florida’s western coast, the number of houses up for sale and the rate at which their current owners are cutting asking prices is soaring, according to a report from real estate company Redfin. Christopher Sadowski

Of the 10 cities where sellers are most likely to slash their list prices, five alone are in Florida, including North Port-Sarasota — which had the highest share of listings reducing their prices in the country, at 48% — as well as Tampa, Cape Coral, Orlando and Jacksonville, Redfin found.


In recent years, “the North Port metro was one of the most competitive housing markets in the country because it was affordable for remote workers and there was a shortage of homes for sale, but none of those things are true today,” Eric Auciello, Redgin’s sales manager said in the report that was earlier reported on by Fortune.


“Sarasota, in particular, has been overvalued for decades, and the chickens have finally come to roost.”


As a result, many aspiring homeowners have been priced out of Florida altogether, instead opting for North Carolina or Tennessee to get more bang for their buck.


“Out-of-town homebuyers no longer see Florida as a place to get amazing value,” Auciello added.


Part of the reason: an insurance crisis, according to Redfin, which has been throwing a wrench into home purchases and delaying deals.


At the 11th hour, many buyers are realizing that they won’t be grandfathered into affordable home insurance rates that the owners before them enjoyed.


Auciello — whose own home insurance is now $14,000 a year, up from around $8,000 two years ago — noted that “a hefty insurance bill…can be a really big issue for someone buying a waterfront home on a smaller budget.”


A luxury home priced at 10 million dollars for sale in Miami, Florida on April 18, 2024

Homeowners in Florida can expect to dish out as much as $2,700 per month on homeowners insurance alone, which has priced many aspiring buyers out of the market. Getty Images

Home insurance premiums in storm-battered Florida even has seniors growing concerned that they won’t be able to hang onto their homes.


Homeowners insurance in Florida ranges from $1,700 to $2,700 per year based on $300,000 in dwelling coverage and $100,000 of liability coverage, according to US News.


The insurance is required for those seeking a mortgage, forcing many buyers to reconsider how much they are willing to spend.


In addition, existing HOA fees for condo owners have doubled in the past year amid the growing threat from hurricanes.


However, the state had a fairly light hurricane season last year, with only Hurricane Idalia rumbling through the less-densely populated western region on Sept. 1.


It caused damages between $3 billion and $5 billion.

Anonymous ID: 20e3da April 27, 2024, 11:04 a.m. No.20786293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6300 >>6302 >>6312 >>6347



>had to get the citizens aware.

DECLASS and a presidential alert detailing the true history of the FED, with evidence, would have done that a long while ago. the citizens or the military (if so ordered) would have delt with the perps immediately.

Anonymous ID: 20e3da April 27, 2024, 11:34 a.m. No.20786403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6409 >>6412



PEAS could deliver to every American device a full declass of all truth, facts, history, evidence, timeline, RICO participants, treasonous clowns, etc…


And instantly the citizens would solve the problems - be they neighbors, family, etc…

Anonymous ID: 20e3da April 27, 2024, 11:42 a.m. No.20786433   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>show them


precisely. flight records, satellite, drone, and cctv archives, bank records, cell and vehicle geolocation and activity records, snitch depositions and sworn statements, security, drivers, pilots, truckers, bankers, personal assistants, managers, agents, etc…


you underestimate rage and fury of finding out someone in your home, neighborhood, workplace, church, etc was trafficking and harvesting humans, as example.

Anonymous ID: 20e3da April 27, 2024, 12:11 p.m. No.20786555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6572


Chief Nerd


🤯 Trump says he would rather have




as President and claims RFK Jr’s “views on vaccines are FAKE”


Reminder: RFK Jr spent nearly 20 years fighting for the vaccine injured

12:40 AM · Apr 27, 2024


an honest comment:

"It’s been four years and he still hasn’t admitted the truth, ignores the injuries and deaths when questioned, and still demands full credit for the vax. Anybody who still supports him is totally ok with vaccine genocide.":