Anonymous ID: 7e31b7 April 27, 2024, 8:12 a.m. No.20785679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5687 >>6191 >>6271 >>6439 >>6502

27 Apr, 2024 13:31

Much of Ukraine aid stolen – French party leader

Western assistance to Kiev prolongs the conflict with Russia and enriches corrupt officials, Florian Philippot has said


A large part of Western aid to Kiev is being embezzled by Ukrainian officials, despite President Vladimir Zelensky’s assurances that it is being used in the fight against Russia, a top French politician has said.


In a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday, Florian Philippot, leader of the Patriots (Les Patriotes) party and a long-time vocal critic of Western assistance to Ukraine,alleged that Zelensky was lying when he claimed that all US aid to his country “goes to the battlefield.”


“In reality a large part is diverted and goes into corruption!” Philippot wrote.He noted Kiev’s admission last month that it had not received €16 billion($17.1 billion) in aid collected by Poland and the European Commission.Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmigal claimed he had “no idea” what happened to the funds.


Philippot also pointed to a recent corruption scandal involving Ukrainian Agriculture Minister Nikolay Solsky, who is accused of illegally appropriating state land worth nearly €6.9 million ($7.4 million). “Yet another case of corruption in this country, which is one of the most corrupt on the planet!” the French politician remarked.


“Every euro sent to Ukraine prolongs the war and therefore causes unnecessary deaths, impoverishes us here, and has a strong chance of enriching the corrupt!” he added, calling for the conflict to be resolved as soon as possible.


Ukraine has been plagued by widespread graft for years, and a 2015 Guardian article described it as “the most corrupt nation in Europe.” More recently, it ranked 104 out of 180 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index.


The issue has taken center stage during the conflict with Russia, including in the Ukrainian military, which has been rocked by several graft scandals in recent months. This winter, Ukraine’s SBU, the successor to the Soviet-era KGB, announced that it had uncovered a major embezzlement scheme in which Ukrainian officials and private contractors stole around $40 million earmarked for shell procurement.


Elsewhere, the Pentagon’s inspector general admitted that Washington had failed to properly track more than $1 billion in weapons sent to Ukraine, although this did not stop US officials from claiming that they believed the assistance to have reached its intended destination.


Russia, meanwhile, has for months been warning about the spillover of foreign weapons sent to Ukraine, cautioning that they are ending up in the hands of organized crime outside of the country.


(Finally someone from EU and Europe admit what everyone knows. That’s why Brussels and EU have cut off most of their aid, although they knew a year+ ago Ukraine will never win. Many have reported that 1/2 to 3/4s of the aid given by the west, is stolen by oligarchs working in the government.Don’t forget 10% for the Big Guy, maybe more because the money is so vast. Even the equipment is stolen by arms, weapons launderers.)

Anonymous ID: 7e31b7 April 27, 2024, 8:28 a.m. No.20785737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6191 >>6271 >>6300 >>6302 >>6347 >>6439 >>6502

27 Apr, 2024 10:40

Another African state considers closing French military base – media

The proposal in Gabon will be discussed at an ongoing national dialogue forum on Saturday


A Gabonese political commission has called for the closure of the French military base in the Central African nation and the review of defense agreements with Paris, Radio France Internationale (RFI) reported on Friday.


According to the outlet, the proposal was presented in a report at an ongoing national dialogue in the capital, Libreville, which wasconvened by the Gabonese military government with the goal of returning the country to civilian rule.


The resolution will reportedly be adopted on Saturday during the plenary session of participants of the Inclusive National Dialogue (DNI), which was launched on April 2 and is expected to conclude on Tuesday.


France has about 400 soldiers stationed at its base, located north of Libreville, who are tasked with training Gabonese troops. In September, Paris temporarily suspended military cooperation with the country in response to a coup that deposed longtime president Ali Bongo. However, just over a week after halting operations, the French Armed Forces Ministry announced that it was “slowly” resuming them.


French Armed Forces Minister Sebastien Lecornu justified the move, claiming that the political situation in Libreville was incomparable to that of Niger, whereParis has repeatedly declared that it will not cooperatewith what it considers an“illegitimate” military government.(France was paying the leaders and Presidents huge sums of money to keep France in their countries. It was about getting their natural resources, not protecting them.)


Gabon’s call for an end to France’s military operations is the latest in a series of similar moves by other former French colonies in recent years. Military leaders inBurkina Faso, Mali, and Nigerhave all severed defense ties with Paris for allegedly failing to combat jihadist insurgents in the Sahel region in a decade-long counterterrorism mission.


Gabonese military ruler General Brice Oligui Nguema, who led the August coup to prevent Bongo from serving a third term after 14 years in power, stated last month that he will respect DNI decisions. He has promised to hand back power in August 2025.


At the month-long national dialogue, which was reportedly attended by thousands of people, including opposition parties and religious leaders, the subcommittee on political institutionsproposed that the mineral-rich African nation adopt a new constitution.


“They wanted a constitution that was rigid and therefore difficult to revise. The Gabonese people wanted the executive, particularly the President of the Republic, to have more time to carry out its various economic and social programs,” RFI cited the chairman of the committee, Telesphore Ondo, as saying.

Anonymous ID: 7e31b7 April 27, 2024, 8:38 a.m. No.20785776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6191 >>6271 >>6300 >>6302 >>6347 >>6439 >>6502

27 Apr, 2024 10:22

Musk doubts White House Ukraine claims

It’s not clear what a victory over Russia is supposed to look like, the entrepreneur has claimed


Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has challenged the administration of US President Joe Biden to define what “victory” would look like in the Ukraine conflict, after a seniorWhite House official claimed that Kiev can defeat Russia.


National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan backed Ukraine’s capabilities on MSNBC on Friday, as he hailed Biden’s drawdown of an additional $1 billion worth of weapons for Kiev’s war effort against Moscow.


A delay in arms supplies caused by partisan clashes in the US Congress has put Ukrainian forces into a “hole” from which they are yet to dig themselves out, Sullivan said. He claimed, however, that Kiev’s “strategic position is strong” and that US officials “believe ultimately Ukraine can win this war.” (Such a fucking lie for the braindead lefties)


“Ukraine has the will to win this war, and we have the will to support them in that effort,”Sullivan vowed.


Reacting in a post on X (formerly Twitter), Musk asked: “What does victory look like?”


The billionaire has long been skeptical about the Biden administration’s Ukraine strategy, including its declared willingness to let Kiev dictate the goals of the conflict and the ways of achieving them.


Ukrainian President VladimirZelensky has insisted that a “just peace”requires nothing short of full control of all the territory claimed by Kiev.


The Ukrainian demands, as outlined in the so-called ‘Zelensky formula’, also include war reparations, tribunals for senior Russian officials, and long-term international support of Ukraine’s security and reconstruction. Switzerland is set to host a summit in mid-June, where Kiev and its Western backers will try to convince neutral nations to sign up for the Ukrainian plan.


Moscow, which has not been invited to the event, has rejected the Ukrainian formula as being detached from reality. It perceives the hostilities as a Washington-driven proxy war against Russia,in which Ukrainians serve as ‘cannon fodder’. This week, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu estimatedUkrainian military casualties as approaching 500,000in the conflict.


Explaining their opposition to continued arms supplies to Ukraine, US Republican lawmakers have cited the lack of a clear game plan by Zelensky and Biden. Instead, they argue that the funds would be better spent on America’s own needs, particularly the security of the southern US border.


(Sullivan is an incompetent spokes person, and mastered propaganda under HRC, so he’s not good at convincing anyone to buy that BS)

Anonymous ID: 7e31b7 April 27, 2024, 9:02 a.m. No.20785870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5882 >>5887 >>6271 >>6300 >>6302 >>6347 >>6439 >>6502

Suffragette? More Like Suffering And Regret. Hillary Clinton’s New Musical Made Me Want To Gouge My Eyes Out. 1/2

Gage KlipperApril 26, 2024 6:29 PM ET

Last night, I went behind enemy lines, travelling deep into the heart of New York City’s Theater District. I skirted through junkies, bums and gaggles of blue-haired feminists — all for you, dear reader, so I could share with you the highs and,well… really just the lows, of Hillary Clinton’s new Broadway sensation, “Suffs.” Through song and dance, the show tells the story of the real life suffragettes who fought the dastardly patriarchy and won the right to vote in America. But aftersitting through the in-“Suff”-erable two-and-a-half hour run time, all I can say is: it’s time to repeal the 19th Amendment.


Now, Hillary herself had very little to do with the show. They gave her a producer credit, slapped her name on promos and she showed up for some pictures — and that’s about it, it seems. Yether signature mix of arrogance and resentment shined throughin nearly every scene.


The charade started before I even entered the theater. As I waited in line to go through New York City’s ritual bag-check, a team of peppy middle-aged women buzzed around drumming up support for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Feminists have failed to push this dystopian nightmare through for the last hundred years, but apparently these ladies thought Joe Biden was just the man for the job. One asked me, “Are you going to get wild tonight?” I’m still not quite sure what she meant, but honestly, I’d rather not find out.


Entering the theater, I saw young, single women converge into small groups before heading to their seats — hugging, smiling, giggling and clearly lying when they said, “Oh my God! I missed you! It’s so great to see you!”The few other men there with me had the dejected stares of old dogs that had grown accustomed to regular beatings.


I took my seat and flipped through the playbill waiting for the show to start. A full-page Hermès ad invited the audience to an “Hermazing” (get it?) exhibit at the brand’s uptown flagship store. But scanning the crowd around me, all I could think was, “We’re gonna need a bigger scarf.”


The lights dimmed, and the show began.


The opening scene shows suffrage leader Carrie Chapman Catt pleading with Congress to Let Mother Vote! “Hello gentlemen,” she says to the audience, bristling with sardonic verve; it prompts the first of many exaggerated outbursts of laughter from the crowd. Her number makes some perfectly reasonable appeals — we raised you, trust our judgment, we’ll consider our vote as a family — and youstart to think, “Hey, this isn’t so crazy.” But then the trailblazing radicals — the true heroes of the story — come along to tear her down.


This band of young upstarts comes together to plan a March on Washington at the express disapproval of Catt. Catt sees the strategic benefits of gradual reform; the youngsters want change, and they want it now.


They’re all shoved into modern feminine archetypes, so characteristic of lazy writing. We have the feminist icon Alice Paul as the lead, the quirky over-achiever. There’s the fat goody two-shoes who won’t even say a dirty word, the love-struck nerd a la 2008 Taylor Swift, the sassy foreigner and, of course, the hot slutty one. Catt hangs around as the cautious, motherly figure. Then there’s Ida B. Wells and Co. who come backevery other scene to lecture all these white ladies on how racist they are.

Anonymous ID: 7e31b7 April 27, 2024, 9:05 a.m. No.20785887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6271 >>6300 >>6302 >>6347 >>6439 >>6502



The show is a never-ending march of radicalism: protests turn to civil disobedience, hunger strikes, arrests and strange, cultish fire-dances. But still the power struggle remains, as these three factions haggle, scheme and back stab each over the course of a decade.President Woodrow Wilson (who later gets burned in effigy) makes an appearance, mainly as a foil, the out-of-touch chauvinist pig the audience loves to hate. Even once the Suffs finally stop fighting long enough to vanquish their common foe and pass the 19th Amendment, the cycle begins all over again. An epilogue shows a young black girl in bell bottoms lecturing an aged Paul on her insufficient radicalism. Who’s the “old fogie” now, bitch?


It’s all to say this progression to new frontiers of radicalism— this ceaseless march through the institutions —is a good thing, particularly for women. Every punchline is filled with quirky self-deprecation, poking fun at the absurdity of just how oppressed women really are. It’s meant to make you think they’re all a bunch of happy warriors. “Marriage is a legal death sentence for women” quips the nerd to her suitor, as the audience laughs at his overdue realization. But thispseudo-humor is not enough to conceal the seething, debilitating resentment just below the surface— and it’s hard to see how any of this has made life better for women.


There’s a lot of talk about incels these days, involuntarily celibate men seething with rage at women. But “Suffs”showcases the femcelswho are responsible for making womanhood an ideological trap, breeding misery for generations of women — the far bigger problem in society today.


For awoman today, conforming to any traditional aspect of femininity is enough to brand you a traitor to your gender. Instead, you have to sing songs about being a “Great American Bitch,” transgressing every taboo for its own sake, making yourself not just unappealing to men but unlikable as a person. You have to wax poetic about the trade-offs between starting a family and furthering the movement, but you’re supposed to “Show Them Who You Are” by choosing the latter.And the movement always comes first, even if it kills you, as the Suffs demonstrate in a hilariously melodramatic hunger strike scene filled with angels and interpretive dance.And finally, after all of this, you’re supposed to turn around and blame men, societyand every woman who hasn’t “done enough” for your own unhappiness.


A bit of reality slips through when Paul sings her solo, asking, “Is it worth it?” But apparently she decides yes, and dies alone, childless, getting upbraided by a teenager.And this is who we’re supposed to idolize?I felt the urge to call CPS on the parents behind me who brought two pre-teens to be inspired.


Yet the audience was all for it, brainwashed into the idea that this gospel was their only path to fulfillment — althoughfew, just like the characters they cheered, looked like truly happy people. For me, the best part was when the token wheelchair girl did a really gnarly wheelie. But for everyone else, they were delighted only when a woman landed a sick burn on the patriarchy. They cheered when the ensemble cast broke the fourth wall and declared it was finally time to pass the ERA; they whooped when someone finally dropped that single, edgy F-bomb; I even saw some tears.This was their Super Bowl. Itching that fiery burn of resentment was all that brought them glee.


I’m no radical, but I’ve seen enough. This crowd needs help. It’s for their own good.They’re just too hysterical.They need a calm, steady, masculine hand to set them straight. It’s time to repeal that darned 19th Amendment. Wilson was right, women and politics just don’t mix!


(Witchcraft is destroying women and society)

Anonymous ID: 7e31b7 April 27, 2024, 9:12 a.m. No.20785927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6141 >>6271 >>6300 >>6302 >>6347 >>6439 >>6502

Union Manager Details Why Members Are ‘Fed Up’ With Biden Policies, Says Trump Has Chance

Hailey GomezApril 26, 2024

Steamfitters Local 638 Manager Bobby Bartels detailed Friday on Fox News why New York labor members are “fed up” with President Joe Biden’s policies, stating he believes former President Donald Trump has a chance in the state.


Bartels appeared on “The Ingraham Angle” to discuss Trump’s visit with the labor unionThursday morning. Fox host Laura Ingraham questioned Bartels on the union’s “change” as opposed to their traditional support of Democrats, pointing out the group had thrown their backing behind Biden during the 2020 election.


“Yes, my members are basically fed up with the illegal immigration, the crime, the outrageous prices of food and gas- oil, electric. It’s hurting everybody.When we get into a union we’re basically all Democrats. The Democrats are just pushing us away. We are a patriotic union, we have three congressional medal of honor winners in our union, we have many military veterans, we have people whose families are [in the] police and fire department.And they are tired of it. We are being treated as second-class citizens,” Bartels stated.


Ingraham pressed Bartels on the recent GDP numbers that were released regarding inflation as Biden officials claimed that things “are going to calm down,” to which Bartels said they needed to rethink their stance as many union members are “concerned.”


“Part of what I also think is happening is that outsourcing of jobs is now speeding up in the United States under Biden’s policies. We’re seeing a bigger trade deficit for the United States which means more stuff is coming then going out. That obviously hits your union workers across the country,” Ingraham pointed out.


“Not only the union workers, Laura, it hits everybody in this country. Everyone is feeling the pain. It is not getting better. Our tax dollars are going to illegal immigration. Feeding them, housing them, clothing them, God knows what else. We cannot sustain what is going on. This country cannot sustain it,” Bartels stated.


Bartels later revealed that the union, according to a recent poll of his, appears to be throwing a majority of their support behind Trump, leading him to believe that the former president has a chance within the state.


“I discovered — now, I have 9000 members. We’ve only got a fraction of that that have reported back on my pole. But as of right now, it is 3-1 in favor of Trump against Biden. Trump is leading 3-1 in our poll,” Bartels stated.


“Do you think he [Trump] has a fighting chance in New York given what has happened?” Ingraham asked.


“I believe he does. My union members have been calling me since 7:30 this morning, thanking me.I have been getting phone calls for my sister locals, from business managers around the country – from other locals, electricians, plumbers. I’m getting calls from retired members of other union localsthat are glad that we are at least taking a stand and we are standing for what the members want,” Bartels stated.


Within recent polling, Trump has dominated Biden on top issues for voters, as many have sided with the former president’s handling of both inflation and the cost of living. A CNBC poll of 1,000 registered voters found that 52% of voters stated Trump would handle inflation and the cost of living better, with only 30% siding with Biden.


(The Great American Awakening)

Anonymous ID: 7e31b7 April 27, 2024, 11:18 a.m. No.20786341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6378 >>6439 >>6502


Must absolutely listen. Johnson suppressed Jim Jordans 305 page report for 10 days, he didn’t tell Trump about it when he met with him. The report could have helped Trump to know this was a Criminal Conspiracy.


It could have been released the night before the Bragg trial. It would have made all the difference in the world.


The posse was harassing, Jordan’s office and the staff came back and saidstop picking on us, Mike Johnson will not allow us to release it.That’s the only way we found out.


No matter how much you hate them, it is not enough, or never enough. They hate us, you can tell by their betrayal of everything America

Anonymous ID: 7e31b7 April 27, 2024, 11:24 a.m. No.20786364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6369


You know why the trolls, shills, bots attack any Bannon, Jones and even Tucker videos now? Which they do constantly, Bannon, Jones, Tucker etc. Are telling the truth and these creatures work for the agency.


Good luck assholes, I hope one day you wake up to the evil you are.


But good news real anons don’t listen to your repetitive propaganda. Turn your bots off! Too obvious

Anonymous ID: 7e31b7 April 27, 2024, 11:32 a.m. No.20786397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6439 >>6502

Romania Joins The Populist Revolution, Ben Bergquam Reports Live From Romania. Similar to CPAC Hungary


Ben is a serious patriot



Anonymous ID: 7e31b7 April 27, 2024, 11:44 a.m. No.20786441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6478 >>6502 >>6506

Louis Murray On The Border: “They Can Turn It Up And Turn It On The Way You Dial Up Your Television”. Boston under attack the Center of the Revolution. The left focuses on the Revolutionary war cities and take them over to erase history and enslave us once again.



Anonymous ID: 7e31b7 April 27, 2024, 11:54 a.m. No.20786478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6502


Murray wrote articles in Boston news how bad it is at the border:

Murray went to the border with Bensman, and everyone even Democrats know Bidan, Schumer etc doesn’t care what is happening on the border. Democrat mayors and leaders saying Bidan, Schumer etc are crushing them.. A lot of them said if you knew who were coming in you’d be shocked. Trump is right. A mexican taxi driver told him, only Trump can work with Mexico, only Trump can do it. It’s horrifying

Anonymous ID: 7e31b7 April 27, 2024, 12:01 p.m. No.20786506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6517

>>20786441 article after border visit

Murray: Titanic gloom on Biden’s broken border

Lou MurrayApril 27, 2024 at 12:28

DEL RIO, Texas — I’ve been to Texas many times. Those Lone Star trips were confined to the habitat of American salesman.

Cookie cutter hotels, training rooms, frigidly chilled convention centers, and that blast of Texas heat whenever you venture outside.

A recent trip changed all that. I traveled from San Antonio through Uvalde to the Del Rio border sector and into Mexico. After years of writing on sanctuary city and immigration policy in Massachusetts, I went to the recent source of the Healey Hotel chaos and took it in with my own eyes.

No reporting, no book, no film, no think tank analysis prepared me for what I saw. It’s true everything is bigger in Texas, including emotions.

The biggest, most common chord struck again and again was sadness and frustration. Sadness and frustration with our leaders amid the vastness of rural Texas. It settles over you like titanic gloom.

A local judge, and former prosecutor who grew up playing in the Rio Grande River took some time to talk. In one day in her courtroom, she may need as many as nine interpreters. Among the huddled masses yearning to be free is a criminal element.

“There has been a change in the type of person coming into the U.S. There are some good people, but there are many, many bad people,” she told me. “I have seen with my own eyes defendants from the Ivory Coast, Albania, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Kosovo.”

Most are from Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, China, and Somalia. She called them “entries without inspection.”

Some, she added, were on the No-Fly list. “So, help me we’ll see another 9/11 before this is over,” she added.

Inside a Texas barbecue barn, 72-year-old rancher Wayne King spoke plainly.

“I’m going to put most of the blame on the Democrat side, but it’s still on the Republican side too. It’s both parties. They forgot what they’re up there for. We the people hire them to do the work, but they think we (the people) work for them,” he told me.

These days he encounters more holes in his fence than ever on his 8,365-acre JP Ranch.

He must check 22 miles of fence every morning. He repaired so many holes that he was able to recognize different coyotes — cartel guides for human smuggling — by their signature style of their breach.

He estimates a loss of between $300,000 and $400,000 of his specialty exotic hunting ranch breeds that have escaped through the cartel gaps.

“I have been woken up by cartels in all black and camouflage at three in the morning. I don’t mess with ‘em,” he said. It is this lurking danger which weighs most heavily on residents.

Asked what he might say to the politicians, like Gov. Maura Healey and Mayor Michelle Wu who champion sanctuary policies, Wayne cocked his head back and fired, “You’re gonna get a taste of it. You can sanctuary all you want, but New York, Chicago, and Denver are finding out it doesn’t work out too good.”

Joe Frank Martinez, Democratic Sheriff of Val Verde, County, since 2009 with a 47-year career in law enforcement and a member of the Texas Border Sheriff’s Association flipped through a binder of drowned migrants who were pulled under the treacherous Rio Grande River. He bemoaned their deaths, the crime which has plagued his community, and policies that lure the horde of travelers to cross the river.

Asked about the Senate Border Bill he was frank, “After digging deep down into it, it had a lot of hidden stuff in there that probably wouldn’t work. It sounded good on the face of it. It had a lot of compromises that we couldn’t afford to live with.”

Kinney County Attorney Brent Smith, a Republican, holds office between the towns of Eagle Pass and Del Rio, as he describes his district as the 17 border miles between “the two towns you always see on TV with the illegal alien problem.”

He took office in 2021 as President Joe Biden opened the border floodgates.

“The (migrant) traffic we immediately saw was astounding. We declared a countywide state of emergency. In 2020 there were 200 criminal prosecutions for the entire year. In 2023 there were 6,900 prosecutions in my county office, because we began to prosecute criminal trespass of illegals on the ranchers’ property with Texas State Troopers. We’ve only got 3,200 residents in this county,” he added.

Kinney said illegal immigration is the “main issue in the upcoming election.”

“I grew up here. I know the ranchers. Whenever I see people, I know and love getting their livelihoods destroyed, I have to work for the people,” he said, adding it’s his job to “ensure justice is done.”

One last question, would you consider moving to Massachusetts and running for governor? Mayor of Boston, maybe?

Lou Murray is a citizen of Boston and a frequent contributor to the Boston Herald oped pages. He tweets on the X platform @LouisLMurrayJr1.

Anonymous ID: 7e31b7 April 27, 2024, 12:04 p.m. No.20786517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6526


This is bad, worse than anyone thinks.Bidan Admin sending the terrorists that come in are sent to one court so they know and are directing the terrorists.


A lawyer said we are be going through another 911, and it will be worse

Anonymous ID: 7e31b7 April 27, 2024, 12:09 p.m. No.20786545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6572

Harnwell: UniParty-aligned GOP knifed MAGA re the $61bn in order to give Biden a foreign policy win. Johnson blocked the Jordan report from coming out because it would have helped Trump




We were all told Joe “President Magoo” Biden was a foreign policy expert. That was supposed to be his wheelhouse. But think — can you name a single foreign policy achievement of his administration?!


In terms of the relentless MSM propaganda that would have ensued had Russia been defeated and retreated from the Donbas — yes, that would have been classed as a massive foreign policy “win” for Biden. As would the fall of Kiev been equally held a catastrophe for him.


So Mike “No-Johnson” Johnson — and the rest of the UniParty slime in the GOP with him — passed the $61bn for Ukraine for one simple reason. To bail out Biden and stab Trump in the back.