Typical case of two wrongs don't make a right:
islam and women at the controls duh
Typical case of two wrongs don't make a right:
islam and women at the controls duh
dude the link is correct, you prolly copypasta the line of text following it.
I had heard of Udo Ulfkottes outing years back.
What I missed was his demise at 56 by heart attack!
For someone outing the C_I dirty laundry that's a coincidence don(t you think?
We're clearly over target now.
We're winning and they're desperate:
For the Arkancide files:
CDAN claims Chris Cornell and Monica Peterson were about to blow the whistle on Hillary and Child Trafficking in Haiti before they were suicided. When you read this, understand what is most important. Each of these people thought they were an isolated island, doing what they were doing quietly, and nobody would possibly be looking at them, or on top of their activities. In reality each was well covered at all times, though they never saw it, and each was allowed to roll freely, until the time came to take them out. You are not getting ahead of the machine, with the capabilities it has, unless you really know what you are doing. Eyes and ears are everywhere, whether you see them or not.
> I ripped this verbatim from anonymouconservative's blog, sorry. Hat tip to him tho.
You've just marked that spot with an X for an antifa bombing I reckon anon. great job as the don would put it
Wonderful shithole England:
The mainstream media has given breathless coverage to how Britons can protest the visit of the democratically-elected President of the United States, Britain’s closest ally, next week.
The taxpayer-funded BBC, which presents itself as politically neutral, told its readers, “Get ready, UK”, when sharing the article “Giant ‘Trump Baby’ could fly over London for president’s visit” on Facebook.
I like the sound of this:
Politicians Play Up ‘Far Right’ Threat, But Stats Show Right-Wing Attacks on Migrants Down 70 Percent
I'd propose to go further along that way. Let's win by facts and arguments and stay dignified.
Keep in mind Schultz (SPD) just called for a counter movement, a revolution of dignity.
Let's solve this politically and leave street mobbing to the lefties.
Fact free politics will kill them:
turd sammich
In Belgium an anti Trump demo rallied a meager 1500 retards which makes me hope a change of wind is coming to the old continent which has been utterly infested with retards. Next elections will shortly shed a light on this. WWG1WGA
Unefoisfag hold on strong.
Maybe you've noticed our main slogan in here is a saxon copy of D'artagnan's 'Un pour tous, tous pour un' ?
It'll be us who'll prevent a Brussels kaliphate if it's not too late. ;)
^^ THIS ^^
exactly what I've been trying to convey in other posts here.
This is important folks.
Honor dignity if you can't manage love and compassion at the very least.
Remember WWG1WGA!
That does not exclude sending the hijradists (muzzies) back to wherever mind you, only certain ways to do this.
TY anon for pointing this out.
Wow, TY for this dig anon.
Well what a coincidence, ragheads and militant sandniggas, who'd've thunk?
I feel for you patriot. I've left town to flee that toxic atmosphere and make my own waffles in the countryside. much better now.
I agree with both of you.
I'm definitely pro Trump march but at the same time against violence and harassment or destruction as individual actions.
One big coordinated clean sweep could use those though (in a 'ordered' manner) to quench resistance.
The call to fight here is NOT a call for violence as I read it.
Let's show them by the numbers in the march say I. And let the effing blimp be, it'll be OUR mascot.
Trump watching over us like an angel or a djinn!