Anonymous ID: 50b8aa April 28, 2024, 12:31 p.m. No.20790795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0807 >>0812 >>0823 >>0915 >>1100 >>1180 >>1231 >>1274 >>1308

Macron Suggests Arming EU with Nuclear Weapons for ‘Credible’ Defence


President Emmanuel Macron has been accused of undermining French sovereignty and military deterrence after the head of state “opened the debate” about creating a common European defence armed with nuclear weapons.


In an interview published on Saturday evening with the Ebra group of regional French newspapers, Mr Macron said per Le Figaro: “I am in favour of opening this debate which must include anti-missile defence, the firing of long-range weapons, nuclear weapons for those who have them or who have American nuclear weapons on their soil.”


“Let’s put everything on the table and look at what truly protects us in a credible way,” he continued, but maintained that France would keep “its specificity but is ready to contribute more to the defence of European soil”.


“Being credible also means having long-range missiles that would deter the Russians. And there is nuclear weapons: French doctrine is that we can use them when our vital interests are threatened. I have already said that there is a European dimension to these vital interests,” the president said.


Macron’s comments drew condemnation from both sides of the political aisle in France, with François-Xavier Bellamy, the leader of the centre-right Les Républicains (LR) in the upcoming European Parliament elections, declaring: “A French head of state should not say that.”


“This is exceptionally serious because this touches on the very nerve of French sovereignty,” Bellamy added.


Conservative populist National Rally MEP Thierry Mariani responded: “Macron is becoming a national danger… After nuclear weapons, there will follow France’s permanent seat on the UN Security Council, which will also be sold off to the European Union.”


The suggestion was also criticised by the left, with the La France Insoumise (LFI) parliamentary group proclaiming that Macron “has just dealt a new blow to the credibility of French nuclear deterrence”.


“Under the cover of defending European soil, Macron wants to liquidate French strategic autonomy,” LFI deputy Bastien Lachaud added.

Anonymous ID: 50b8aa April 28, 2024, 12:32 p.m. No.20790800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0823 >>0915 >>1100 >>1180 >>1231 >>1274 >>1308

Italian PM Meloni Throws Her Hat in the Ring as a Candidate for the European Parliament Elections


Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced on Sunday that she will stand as a candidate for the European Parliament elections as she looks to increase support for her Brothers of Italy party as citizens head to the polls in June.


In a surprise move, Meloni said that she is adding her name to the top of the Brothers of Italy’s list of candidates for the European elections between June 6th and 9th, however, she will not take the seat in the Strasbourg-based parliament if selected.


Speaking in front of a campaign conference in the central Italian city of Pescara on Sunday, Meloni said that the elections give a chance for Italy to shape the European agenda, vowing to “defend our borders and our identity in the EU,” Corriere della Sera reports.


Meloni struck a populist tone in her address, saying: “I ask the Italians to write my name, but my first name at the European elections. I am proud that the majority of citizens who address me call me Giorgia. I have been mocked for years for my popular roots, they called me fisherman, villager… But I am proud to be a person of the people.


“If you want to tell me that you still believe in me, write Giorgia on the card, because I am and will always be one of you. Power will not change me, the palace will not isolate me. I need to know once again that it’s worth it. I am only interested in the judgment of citizens, which I respect and will always respect.”


The Italian prime minister also lashed out at the green agenda favoured by elites in Brussels and other Western European capitals, branding the policy of seeking to transition to only electric cars as “suicidal idiocy” given the need to rely on countries like Communist China which “do not even remotely respect the environmental constraints of our companies”.


Meloni also highlighted the migrant crisis facing Europe, saying that “we need to attack the traffickers at the heart.”

Anonymous ID: 50b8aa April 28, 2024, 12:39 p.m. No.20790821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0830 >>0915 >>1100 >>1180 >>1231 >>1274 >>1308

California’s Riverside County deputy, 14 others arrested in drug trafficking bust


Culminating a yearlong investigation dubbed “Hotline Bling,” authorities in Riverside County have seized millions of dollars worth of illegal drugs and arrested 15 people suspected of helping a Sinaloa, Mexico, cartel’s drug trafficking network, including a Riverside County Sheriff’s deputy.


In collaboration with the Riverside Police Department and the United States Postal Service, federal Drug Enforcement Administration agents seized 376 pounds of methamphetamine, 37.4 pounds of fentanyl, 600,000 fentanyl tablets, 1.4 kilograms of cocaine and seven firearms, according to a police report.


The drugs, which could have supplied the ingredients for 10 million lethal doses, have an estimated value of $16 million, according to the report.


“As fentanyl and methamphetamine continue to ravage our communities, we will continue to target drug trafficking organizations that put profit over people’s lives,” said U.S. Atty. Martin Estrada of the Central District of California. “The indictment filed by my office alleges that three men shipped kilogram-quantity parcels of narcotics through the United States Postal Service. Those who traffic in dangerous narcotics must be held accountable.”


The investigation resulted in six defendants being charged in three federal indictments, as well as 16 state arrest warrants to be issued against 16 people. Not all of the 16 people facing arrest had been detained as of Thursday afternoon.


During the investigation, DEA agents learned of a “corrupt” Riverside County Correctional Deputy, but did not provide the deputy’s name or further details on the alleged wrongdoing because the investigation is ongoing, said DEA spokesperson Rosa Valle-Lopez.


The agents and Riverside police provided their investigative leads to the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department and ultimately assisted in the arrest of the deputy while he was allegedly in possession of 104 pounds of fentanyl pills.


George Alexander Aranda, Edwin Michael Alva and Christopher Arreola Alvarado were indicted on charges of conspiracy to distribute at least 400 grams of a mixture and substance containing a detectable amount of fentanyl and methamphetamine.


In court documents, prosecutors alleged that Alva or Alvarado procured fentanyl to be distributed to customers. Alvarado operated and maintained a drug stash in Perris, the court documents alleged, and the two men would package fentanyl at the stash house for shipping through the mail. Aranda and Alva would take the packaged fentanyl and mail it to customers from post offices in and around Riverside County, prosecutors alleged.


Aranda remained at large Thursday, but Alva and Alvarado were in custody.


Riverside Police Chief Larry Gonzalez said in a statement that his department would continue to leverage every available resource to disrupt drug distribution “trying to make its way into our Riverside neighborhoods.”


“Our collaboration with the DEA is not just about enforcement, but it’s about safeguarding the future of our community and ensuring that Riverside remains a safe and thriving place for people to live, work, and raise families,” Gonzalez said.


Officials released the names of 12 people who were arrested, they are Jose Javier Raya Cortez, 21, of Perris; Cesar Noe RayaCortez, 23; Alexis Raeleen Trevino, 26; Edwin Michael Alva, 31; Julio Cesar Maganafranco Jr., 23; Christopher Antonio Arreola-Alvarado, 25, of Perris; Andrew Aguilar, 27; Mario Daniel MirandaDuarte, 33; Rolando Claros, 31; Herman Leon, 34; Carlos Ninoarias, 25; David Crosthwaite, 24. The individuals were charged with one or more of the following: possession for sales and transportation of a controlled substance and possession for sales of methamphetamine.

Anonymous ID: 50b8aa April 28, 2024, 12:42 p.m. No.20790836   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ADL accuses Rep. Omar of ‘blood libel’ for saying some Jewish students pro-genocide


Congresswoman visits Columbia University protest camp, which has galvanized similar rallies across country; over 200 arrested as some schools call in cops to clear sit-ins


The head of the Anti-Defamation League on Saturday accused Democratic US Representative Ilhan Omar of spreading a blood libel after she implied Jewish students who support Israel amid its war against Hamas are “pro-genocide.”


Omar made the remarks as she visited anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University.


With the death toll mounting in the war in Gaza, anti-Israel protesters nationwide are demanding that schools cut financial ties to the country and divest from companies they say are enabling the conflict. Some Jewish students say the protests have veered into antisemitism and made them afraid to set foot on campus.


What started at Columbia has turned into a nationwide showdown between students and administrators over anti-war protests and the limits of free speech. In the past 10 days, hundreds of students have been arrested, suspended, put on probation, and, in rare cases, expelled from colleges, including Yale University, the University of Southern California, Vanderbilt University and the University of Minnesota.


School leaders at several universities have responded by asking police to clear out camps and arrest those who refuse to leave. While saying they defend free speech rights to protest, the leaders say they will not abide activists infringing on campus policies against hate speech or camping out on university grounds.

Anonymous ID: 50b8aa April 28, 2024, 12:43 p.m. No.20790838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0857 >>0915 >>1100 >>1180 >>1231 >>1274 >>1308

Iraq criminalizes same-sex relations, sets 10-15 year prison sentence


New law also makes it illegal to undergo or perform gender-affirming treatment for transgender people


Iraq’s parliament passed a bill on Saturday criminalizing same-sex relations, imposing a sentence of up to 15 years in prison, in a move rights groups condemned as an “attack on human rights.”


Transgender people will be sentenced to three years in jail under the amendments to a 1988 anti-prostitution law, which were adopted during a session attended by 170 out of 329 lawmakers.


A previous draft had proposed capital punishment for same-sex relations, in what campaigners had called a “dangerous” escalation.


The new amendments enable courts to sentence people engaging in same-sex relations to between 10 to 15 years in prison, according to the document seen by AFP, in the country where gay and transgender people already face frequent attacks and discrimination.


They also set a minimum seven-year prison term for “promoting” same-sex relations and a sentence ranging from one to three years for men who “intentionally” act like women.

Anonymous ID: 50b8aa April 28, 2024, 12:47 p.m. No.20790848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0857 >>0915 >>1100 >>1180 >>1231 >>1274 >>1308

Secret Service Detail finds Wiretapping Device in Trump’s Office


Trump’s Secret Service guards uncovered a recording device in the former president’s office, presumably planted after the FBI conducted searches at his residence in August 2022. Previously, Trump had accused President Obama of wiretapping his 2016 election campaign office.


The alleged weaponization of the judicial system by the current administration against political opponents is a central theme of the 2024 election cycle. While the nation’s attention is drawn to the hush money trial, it’s worth noting that in other lawsuits against Trump, his opponents’ actions can hardly be considered fair play. The most high-profile case, apart from the January 6 investigation, involved Trump’s alleged improper storage of classified documents. In August 2022, the FBI searched Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida residence while he was in New York. As the elections approach, new details emerge in these cases.


Recent information suggests the FBI raid on Trump’s estate wasn’t solely for searches but also for planting wiretaps. The Phil’s Podcast author cites a leaked September 2023 phone call where Greg Robertson, a Secret Service officer, informed his boss about discovering a recording device. Robertson was one of 24 Secret Service agents “subpoenaed to testify before the Grand Jury in the summer of 2023 when Trump was investigated for mishandling classified documents.”


The recording device was found in Trump’s office in the same wing of the Mar-a-Lago estate from where the FBI seized boxes of documents. The blogger says there are three possible ways the bug ended up in Trump’s office: “planted by someone from the Secret Service, implicating the DHS; by someone from the Mar-a-Lago staff; or by FBI agents who could have wiretapped the room during the August 2022 searches.”


The blogger believes “we can safely discard the first two options. Indeed, there are many people from different departments that do not obey each other at Trump’s residence: Secret Service protection, Mar-a-Lago personnel and guests, Trump’s personal assistants and their substitutes. However, very few of them have access to the aforementioned Trump’s living quarters. Everybody passes serious background checks before they’re hired, plus, the club’s security regularly conducts inspections of the personnel. It’s doubtful that the Secret Service could order the wiretapping. It’s not their job, and presidential protection has never been spotted doing something like this.”


It turns out that despite the large number of visitors and employees at the resort, the FBI could have both a motive and opportunity to install wiretapping, given their role in searching for documents. Additionally, the FBI has experience with such surveillance tactics. The main question now is who within the FBI authorized planting the recording device?


Discussing Biden’s involvement, the blogger draws parallels to similar cases from the past. “Let’s go back a few years. In March 2017, Trump accused former President Obama of wiretapping his office in Trump Tower. According to Trump, Obama ordered the wiretapping of Trump’s New York residence prior to the 2016 presidential election. Interestingly, the head of the FBI at the time, James Comey, was the main defender who dismissed Trump’s accusations as false.


The blogger notes that this situation mirrors the Watergate scandal, which is well-known. They argue that while such political espionage scandals were once national shockwaves, they are now “shamefully hushed up by the media and special services.” The blogger suggests that while Obama was not the first to wiretap political opponents, his actions created an environment where Biden could believe he could act with impunity and order surveillance on Trump.


Considering how the presidential administration has behaved in similar cases before, in can be confidently assumed that the White House will deny accusations of installing wiretapping and actively weaponizing the judicial system against Trump.

Anonymous ID: 50b8aa April 28, 2024, 12:51 p.m. No.20790856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0885

Northeastern University had around 100 peaceful protesters arrested on Saturday at its Boston campus’ pro-Palestine encampment, claiming that there had been reports of protesters using antisemitic slurs; but according to witnesses, the protester who spewed hate speech was a pro-Israel counter protester.


In a video of the appalling incident, provided by an organizer from Huskies for a Free Palestine, and posted to X by Bedford, a protest leader prepared to lead a chant. “You repeat to me what I say to you. Got it?” they shout.


“Kill the Jews,” yelled one person, holding an Israeli flag. “Anybody on board? Anybody on board?” He was one of two counter-demonstrators who had affixed themselves at the center of the crowd, standing on lawn chairs as they berated the protesters around them.


The crowd of protesters immediately booed the young man. The protesters began chanting, “We’re gonna let them leave,” drowning out the shouts of the two counter-protesters.

Anonymous ID: 50b8aa April 28, 2024, 12:56 p.m. No.20790876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0915 >>1100 >>1180 >>1231 >>1274 >>1308

Who is not blackmailed by Israel in congress?


Rep. Thomas Massie Warns Congress is Trying to Pass Hate Speech Laws to Outlaw Criticism of Israel


Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) called out his colleagues in Congress on Saturday for trying to pass hate speech laws to outlaw criticism of Israel.


"Some of my colleagues are introducing legislation to create federally sanctioned 'antisemitism monitors' at colleges," Massie said. "I'll vote No."


"Policing speech, religion, and assembly is not the role of the federal government. In fact it's expressly prohibited by the U.S. Constitution," he added.

Anonymous ID: 50b8aa April 28, 2024, 12:58 p.m. No.20790883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0891

BOMBSHELL: Sharyl Attkisson Confirms Congress Controlled by Feds


Ever wonder why our supposed Representatives never actually represent us? Veteran journalist Sharyl Atkisson shares what she's been told about how members of congress are bribed and blackmailed by federal agents. The same kind of people who plotted to put kiddie porn on her husbands computer when they were threatened by her reporting. Also learn how cures for diseases have long been supressed to prop up Big Pharma.

Anonymous ID: 50b8aa April 28, 2024, 1:30 p.m. No.20790968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1037 >>1100 >>1180 >>1231 >>1274 >>1308

Former Democrat Arizona State Senator Finally Sentenced to Prison for 1 Year for Molesting Young Nephews After 2019 Arrest


Former Democratic State Senator Tony Navarrete was sentenced on Friday to one year in prison after being charged with seven felony counts involving sexual misconduct with his two young nephews.


35-year-old Navarette, a “rising star” in the Arizona Democrat party, was arrested and charged with a felony described as “knowingly engaging in intercourse or oral sex with a minor.”

Anonymous ID: 50b8aa April 28, 2024, 1:32 p.m. No.20790974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0984 >>1086 >>1100 >>1180 >>1231 >>1274 >>1308

Happy Unredaction Sunday!


Unsealed filings in classified docs include FBI affidavit to get search warrant to raid Mar-a-Lago. (Left is most recent publicly available affidavit that I'm aware of)


This is how DOJ shifted investigation from classified docs to Espionage Act case:

Anonymous ID: 50b8aa April 28, 2024, 1:34 p.m. No.20790987   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NY Judge Claims '2nd Amendment Doesn't Exist In Her Courtroom' In Case Against Gunsmith


‘Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York…'