Anonymous ID: d094b8 April 28, 2024, 5:43 p.m. No.20791817   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>mad shit talk Russians perform about Westerners.

Like THIS?

2012 Putin: the West has no morals (VID1 2:19)

21 Oct, 2021 Simply monstrous: Putin says teaching young children they can easily swap genders is a ‘borderline crime against humanity “And this is not new,” the Russian president went on. “In the 1920s, Soviet culture-warriors invented a so-called ‘newspeak,’ believing that in this way they would create a new sense of consciousness and redefine peoples’ values.” “This is not to mention things that are simply monstrous,” he added, “like when children are taught from an early age that a boy can easily become a girl and vice versa. In fact, they are indoctrinating them into the alleged choices that are supposedly available to everyone – removing parents from the equation and forcing the child to make decisions that can ruin their lives.” This is borderline crime against humanity - all under the guise of 'progress.


Russia Blasts Twitter For Being "Too Slow" In Deleting Content "Harmful For Children


At the June, 2019 G20 summit in Osaka, Putin added: We have a law that everybody has been kicking us for – a law prohibiting homosexual propaganda amongminors. Putin defends Russia’s ban onyouth-focusedgay propaganda: bloomberg:


As the West Normalizes Moral Depravity, Russia Moves Against Pedophiles

While the Western media hyperventilates over its own phony news of ‘Russian aggression’ and imminent invasions, the Kremlin has quietly turned its sights on an altogether different target: pedophilia.


'Santa Putin' swaps child's same-sex parents for a mother and father and gives a football, toy cars and a drum kit to boy being raised as a girl in anti-West propaganda video *The video feeds into Russian prejudices about Western culture

Well no fucking wonder !KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia, January 20, 2014 Vladimir Putin signs bill banning Americans from adopting Russian children