Anonymous ID: fc648a April 28, 2024, 5:52 p.m. No.20791839   🗄️.is 🔗kun

21 March 2017

“We want to marry our technology with China’s capacity,” Netanyahu said at the summit.


“We in Israel are eager to share with China our science and technology that can better the lives of all mankind, and the people of China,” he said.

Anonymous ID: fc648a April 28, 2024, 5:55 p.m. No.20791844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1845

Zelensky wants 10 more years of US funding


The Ukrainian leader has claimed that he’s working on a long-term assistance package from Washington


“We are working to commit to paper concrete levels of support for this year and for the next ten years,” Zelensky said. “It will include military, financial, and political support, as well as what concerns joint production of weapons.”


Zelensky said he wants Ukraine’s bilateral pact with Washington to include specific levels of aid. “The agreement should be truly exemplary and reflect the strength of American leadership,” he said.


Same bullshit funding they now give Israel

Anonymous ID: fc648a April 28, 2024, 5:59 p.m. No.20791850   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jews really want the Muslim's to be their soldiers in all western nations to kill whitey now don't they - totally not staged with cameras and media ready - FFS


Woman torches Quran in EU state – media


The desecration of the Muslim holy book has reportedly once again taken place in Sweden


A woman professing to be a Christian activist has staged a Quran-burning in the Swedish capital, the Turkish news outlet A Haber reported on X (former Twitter) on Sunday.


According to the report, the incident took place on April 26 in Stockholm. In a video posted online by the outlet, a person identified as 48-year-old Jade Sandberg is seen torching the Muslim holy book while waving a Christian cross over it and screaming “Islam out of Sweden!” The protest is believed to have been sanctioned by the local authorities, as police officers on site do not appear to have attempted to stop it.


Sandberg also posted footage and photos from the demonstration on her own X account, where she claims to be a “priest, exorcist and demonologist,” as well as an “activist and crusader against the devil’s religion of Islam.” This week’s Quran-torching is at least her second this year.


There have been a slew of such protests across Sweden since 2023, when Danish right-wing politician Rasmus Paludan, who also holds Swedish citizenship, burned the Islamic text in front of the Turkish embassy in January 2023.


Swedish authorities have condemned such acts, but still largely allowed them to go ahead, citing the country’s laws guaranteeing the right to freedom of expression. Under the country’s Public Order Act, a person must apply for a permit from the police to stage a protest, but can only be refused on safety grounds.


Many Muslim-majority countries have condemned the burnings as Islamophobic, and Türkiye even told Sweden that it would block its NATO accession plans as long as it allowed the desecration of the Quran. Ankara later ratified the bid however, and the Nordic state was formally admitted to the US-led military bloc last month.


Stockholm said last year it planned to amend the Public Order Act in order to prevent Quran-burning incidents in the future. Swedish regulators are expected to finalize their review of the draft law by early summer.


Earlier this month, Swedish television channel SVT reported that police had received another request to hold a Quran-burning demonstration on May 3, the day before the start of the Eurovision song contest, which this year takes place in the southern Swedish city of Malmö.

Anonymous ID: fc648a April 28, 2024, 6:02 p.m. No.20791858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1865

Joe Biden's Brother Embroiled In High-Ranking Qatari Scheme To "Provide Wealth Of Introductions" Through "My Family": Politico


Qatar has had a lot of fingers in a lot of pies. While we knew about the EU's 'Qatargate,' investments with the Kushner family, and of course Sen. Bob Menendez advancing Qatar's interests, Politico reports that the Biden family's ties to Qatar "would constitute some of the closest known financial links between a relative of President Joe Biden and a foreign government," if courtroom testimony about Jim Biden's foreign fundraising efforts is substantiated.


In June 2017, Qatar's neighbors - led by Saudi Arabia, banded together and cut diplomatic ties with the country, citing its alleged support for terrorism. As a result, the country was thrown into a sustained crisis.


To dig themselves out, Qatari rulers began showering well-connected Westerners with gifts and financial benefits, according to Politico, "sometimes in the form of investment funding."


Around this time, Jim Biden was trying to raise $30 million for embattled hospital chain Americore - teaming up with Florida businessman Amer Rustom, CEO of the Platinum Group, who boasted of his ties to officials in the Middle East, as well as fund manager Michael Lewitt. Together, the three sought investment funding from various Middle Eastern sources for Americore and other ventures - "which came to focus largely on Qatar," according to a former Americore executive who spoke on condition of anonymity.


According to public records obtained by the outlet, Jim Biden leveraged ties to his older brother and "sought workarounds to restrictions on international money movements," including one discussion about trying to move money across a Middle Eastern border in the form of gold bars that may or may not have happened.


"My family could provide a wealth of introductions and business opportunities at the highest levels that I believe would be worthy of the interest of His Excellency," Jim Biden and Rustom wrote in a draft letter to an official at the Qatari sovereign wealth fund, the Qatar Investment Authority. "On behalf of the Biden family, I welcome your interest here," the draft continues.


Transactions related to the efforts are central to a recently-settled fraud case brought by the SEC, and are under fresh scrutiny as part of a federal criminal investigation in South Florida.


Jim Biden suggested to congressional investigators in February that his fundraising efforts stalled for lack of viable projects to back. But the previously unreported testimony by fund manager Michael Lewitt about the ownership of the two companies — the Platinum Group USA and Obermeyer Engineering Consulting — indicates that Jim Biden forged closer ties to Qatar’s government than previously understood. -Politico


In February of this year, Jim Biden told impeachment inquiry investigators that roughly $600,000 in payments from Americore were for his role in arranging a series of bridge loans - of which $200,000 was transferred to Joe Biden in March 2018 for what the White House claims is a repayment of an unrelated loan between brothers.


In a March 10, 2018 draft presentation emailed from Jim Biden’s wife, Sara Biden, to a Platinum Group executive, Julie Lander, Americore touted Jim as "Brother and Campaign Finance Chair of former Vice President Joe Biden."


One month later, Lander emailed Jim Biden about the fundraising efforts - referencing an apparent meeting with a high-ranking Qatari official.

Anonymous ID: fc648a April 28, 2024, 6:03 p.m. No.20791867   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Fuck off Dave you grifting piece of shit.


Made yourself a millionaire off of Anons' research.


Never say a bad word about Israel!


No wonder you hide your face!



Anonymous ID: fc648a April 28, 2024, 6:12 p.m. No.20791908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1936 >>1952 >>2006 >>2051

Scotland’s Far-Left, Anti-White First Minister Humza Yousaf to Resign After Just One Year in Office


Humza Yousaf, the First Minister of Scotland, will resign his position imminently, according to a report from The Times of London.


Yousaf, who leads the far-left, pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP), had previously pledged to fight on after his government collapsed but has now acknowledged that there is no way forward.


The Times reports:


Humza Yousaf is preparing to quit as Scotland’s first minister after coming to the conclusion that his position is no longer tenable. Senior SNP figures have been told the nationalist leader decided over the weekend that there is no way for him to survive this week’s vote of no confidence and he may stand down on Monday.


It comes as Yousaf struggles to put ­together a coalition of MSPs that would keep him in office after he sacked the Scottish Greens from government. A close friend said: “Humza knows what’s best for the country and the party. He is first party activist and a party man, and that’s why he knows it’s time for someone else.”


A British Pakistani and practising Muslim, Yousaf notoriously gave a speech back in 2020 at the height of the Black Lives Matter riots where he complained about the number of white people in positions of power.


Just last month, he approved legislation implementing new “hate speech” laws intended to crack down on free speech and conservative opposition to progressive ideology. The move later backfired when thousands of people flooded the hate crime tip lines with reports of his own anti-white speech.


Having voted to remain part of the United Kingdom in 2014, Scotland remains subject to the British parliament. However, its government maintains autonomy on various policy issues ranging from healthcare to education as part of a devolution agreement signed by former Prime Minister David Cameron.

Anonymous ID: fc648a April 28, 2024, 6:14 p.m. No.20791919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1945 >>1952 >>2006 >>2051

OnlyFans Creator Farha Khalidi Says She Was Paid to Push Biden Regime’s Political Propaganda Online


The Biden regime is all smoke and mirrors.


OnlyFans content creator Farha Khalidi has made waves after claiming on a podcast that she created “political propaganda” ads for the Biden regime on TikTok.


During the interview with political science researcher Richard Hanania on his podcast, Khalidi opened up about her entry into the world of online revenue through TikTok and OnlyFans.


“So you were in school — you were still in college when you started as a TikTok person, right? Or did you start OnlyFans when you were in school, too?” Hanania asked.


“No, I started TikTok, like, the spring semester of my senior year and I was like, ‘F—k, I finally have to start applying for law school,’ and then, like, you know, female privilege: ‘life so easy for a woman.’ Obviously, I lucked out. No, I’m just kidding.”


“[But] I lucked out and then TikTok was basically full-time for me. Like, I was taking ads by the time I graduated college from, like, the Biden administration, Planned Parenthood and, like, dating apps and stuff. So it was, like, fully financially sustaining me,” Khalidi said.


When Hanania pressed Khalidi about her claim of making money from the Biden regime, she openly admitted to creating “political propaganda” content.


“Yeah, I was doing full-on political propaganda,” Khalidi stated during the podcast.


Khalidi recounted being approached to promote then-Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, highlighting her identity as a “brown person” following her nomination to the high court by Biden.


“Yeah, honestly. The funny thing is they’re, like, ‘Do not disclose this as an ad’ because they [were], like, ‘Technically, it’s not a product, so you don’t have to disclose it’s an ad.’ Because I think they just wanted, like, some edgy girl of color to just tell people — like when they nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson, they’re, like, ‘Can you say ‘as a person of color,’ you know, that you feel ‘reflected?’”


“It’s, like, a White woman emailing this and she’s giving me this script. And I’m, like, ‘No,’ and she’s like, ‘Please,’ and I’m like, ‘No.’ I’ll talk about the news of it, but I’m not gonna be like — I’m not gonna have a White person tell me to be, like, ‘This is how I feel as a person of color.’ It’s just so — I think that black-pilled me slightly on political propaganda,” she added.


Despite these claims, Khalidi later clarified that a third-party media company was the conduit through which the Biden administration operated.


It’s ironic that a recipient of 81 million votes has to pay people for support.

Anonymous ID: fc648a April 28, 2024, 6:53 p.m. No.20792042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2047 >>2051

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Proclaims April as Arab American Heritage Month


Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) issued a proclamation on Saturday declaring April as Arab American Heritage Month.


Newsom’s statement comes as anti-Israel protests and encampments have sprouted up on university and college campuses across the United States, calling for a ceasefire in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, for the U.S. government to stop arming Israel, and for colleges to divest from Israeli companies. s