Anonymous ID: 2e9a88 April 29, 2024, 11:37 a.m. No.20795378   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20792210 PB


>He’s already begun to pay by leaning on Mike Johnson to flip-flop and greenlight the $95 billion war package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.


Is there any proof of this? I know most here are 'Trump even if he leads us into hell' type supporters, but the Author of that piece is no liberal, seems more like a Truth will set you free type.

>from Puritan forebears to fighters in the American Revolutionary War and the Civil War, to Midwest Pioneer farmers and their relations with native nations.

>As a former NASA whistleblower, then US Treasury analyst, Cook dwells in particular on how the financial oligarchy aggrandized itself via a fractional reserve banking system that ultimately corrupted America’s originally proclaimed democratic and egalitarian values. He addresses how the British, European, and US bankers hijacked the American monetary system by placing it under control of the Money Trust through the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913, how this then financed the British takedown of rival Germany, triggered the Great Depression by shipping US gold to Britain and Europe, and led to the Bretton Woods agreements, the creation of the International Monetary Fund, and the Marshall Plan, which combined to place the world’s economy under the control of the US dollar.

Anonymous ID: 2e9a88 April 29, 2024, 12:10 p.m. No.20795517   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>disrupt innocent people's lives,

we have a constitution that gives people the right to protest the governments actions. nothing there about not making people uncomfortable or inconvenienced.

On top of that, every one of those universities is ground zero for the communist indoctrination that has swept the entire education system and the reason you probably think this country is going to hell in a hand basket. Not a whole lot of productive learning going on there, including for muh jews.

Anonymous ID: 2e9a88 April 29, 2024, 12:38 p.m. No.20795609   🗄️.is 🔗kun


FFs have yet to get much done other than 911. Hard to see how anything they would do would hurt Trump. In any case it is just as likely this:

Mark my words. The Deep State has shifted its support to Trump for president. Biden is being thrown under the bus.


Four years of stumbling senility; collapse of U.S. foreign policy in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Gaza; borderline graft; and the display of “woke” perversions enough to make any real adult vomit; have brought enough humiliation to America to last a century.



William Barr is the deepest of the Deep State; the ultimate covert operator. Check out his resume on Wikipedia.


It was Barr, we recall, who delivered the message to Bill Clinton that he was in line for the presidency at a covert meeting in Mena, Arkansas, back in the heyday of CIA drug and arms trafficking.


Barr just endorsed Trump for president after being part of the cabal that set Trump up on January 6 and got him indicted in New York, Washington, and Georgia.


Trump is beating the rap on everything thrown at him. Now the Supreme Court has been greenlighted to overturn the indictments.


Meanwhile, George Soros (& son), longtime Deep State action officer in the Regime-Change Department, is doing what he has done in color revolutions around the world by doing same to Biden via the phony pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Exact same deal as BLM, except sides have switched.


Biden and the Dems are now permanently tarred as anti-Israel, allowing the Alt-Right (Breitbart, etc.) and Trump himself to pose as pro-Israel all the way. So the Jewish donors are also flipping to Trump.


Anyway, Biden won’t be running. The word is that he will be switched out for Gretchen Whitmer at the DNC in Chicago. Whitmer then will pretend to be running in Biden’s place and will gracefully accept defeat.


So Trump will be Prez.


And what will Trump pay for the privilege? He’s already begun to pay by leaning on Mike Johnson to flip-flop and greenlight the $95 billion war package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. This includes getting on-board with abandoning Republican opposition to any funding for border security. Meaning Trump has bought into the Deep State program of massive illegal immigration.


Trump is even threatening to bring the full weight of economic sanctions against any nation daring to trade in its own currency in preference to the dollar.


What else will Trump be paying for the privilege of continuing to live a free man and resuming his position as head of state?


To be brief, Trump will fully buy into the launch of World War III against Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. He’s already started doing that. And he’ll continue. But, the controllers hope, not quite as the ridiculous figure the present incumbent persists in presenting to the world. Unfortunately, the anti-Trump vendetta has so tarred Trump’s own reputation as to make his own ability to ever function normally again questionable.


Can RFK, Jr., make a difference in this mess? Doubtful, but we shall see.

Anonymous ID: 2e9a88 April 29, 2024, 1:31 p.m. No.20795766   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yet congress has given him everything he wants, including those who are good friends with Trump. So far Trump is not doing a great job of showing himself as anything but someone who will get things done for Jews, not so much US citizens.