Anonymous ID: af83b2 April 29, 2024, 1:48 p.m. No.20795837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5855 >>5974 >>6016 >>6213 >>6418 >>6518 >>6541

Arizona Secretary of State, Maricopa County censor election information: First Amendment is ‘thorn’1/3(documents attached by sections)


Government cooperation with social media messaging: Maricopa County drew up plans to ban social media users from the county social media accounts and use influencers to spread their approved message.

Published: April 28, 2024 11:35pm


Maricopa County and the Arizona Secretary of State have worked together with nonprofits, social media platforms, and the federal government to combat what they consider to beelection mis- and disinformation, as the county’s recorder called the First Amendment “a thorn in the side.”


The offices of both theMaricopa County recorder and the Arizona secretary of state work together with third parties to censor social media contentthat they believe is mis- and disinformation, including drawing up plans to ban social media users from the county social media accounts and using influencers to spread their message,according to public records obtained from both Maricopa County and the Arizona secretary of state by The Gavel Project.


MCC Speech on 1A.pdf

One of the documents from Maricopa County was a draft of a Sept. 17, 2021, speech to Maricopa Community Colleges given by Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, who is running for reelection this year.


According to the draft, Richer said, “I posit that the gravest threat to voting rights and our elected form of government is no longer the systematic disenfranchisement of a particular class of people, but instead the undermining of the entire election system through lies and disinformation. And it is in this respect, that the Constitution today is in some ways a thorn in the side of my office. Specifically the First Amendment.”


The recorder’s office told Just the News on Wednesday that “Richer stands by his speech, especially the part where he says he’s ‘a huge fan of the Constitution.’”


However, the rest of the sentence in Richer’s speech reads, “despite what I’m going to later say, I’m a huge fan of the Constitution.” Other county records reveal Maricopa’s plans in countering mis- and disinformation.



Election fact ambassador plan attachment.pdf

In another document labeled “Building a Partnership of Election Fact Ambassadors,” Maricopa County created a plan to partner “with influencers in our community and across the country who share our desire to spread accurate information about elections and combat disinformation.”


While the document doesn’t specify which year it was created, based on context and recommended deadlines, it was likely for the 2022 midterm elections.

The plan included daily emails being sent from Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Gates in the week leading up to Election Day that would include “the big election topic of the day, the facts about it, and links and examples of our social posts or videos on the topic” and explain how the ambassadors “can help us educate the public.”


The document listed the reasons for the plan: “We are the source of truth for most questions about the elections we run. While our reach has grown significantly since 2020, our messaging often does not spread as far and wide as misinformation. We are probably close to maxing out our reach through normal channels (media coverage, newsletters, news conferences, public events).We should partner with people whose opinions are respected, whose values of democracy we share, and whose reach is greater—or different in important ways—than ours.” HAHAHAHAHAHA –LIES

Anonymous ID: af83b2 April 29, 2024, 1:54 p.m. No.20795855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5884 >>5974 >>6016 >>6213 >>6418 >>6518 >>6541



Maricopa County told Just the News that the plan “was a draft document of ideas that were brought up in a meeting but never implemented.”


How to Ban Someone From Social Media_Social Media Tracker.pdf

An undated document from Maricopa County labeled “Banning a User on Social Media” explains how to add social media users to a “Social Media Tracker” where comment violations on Maricopa County's social media pages can be tracked. Upon a user’s second violation after receiving a warning from Maricopa County's social media account for the first violation, the document explains how to “ban the user.”


Violators could also be “banned without a warning,” the documents reads.


As with the ambassadors’ plan, Maricopa County told Just the News that it “was a draft document of ideas that were brought up in a meeting but never implemented.” (oh SURE)


Maricopa County also works with the federal government regarding mis- and disinformation.

As previously reported by Just the News, in March 2022, Richer appeared before the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Misinformation and Disinformation Subcommittee to brief the members on combating election misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation.


Richer "suggested that CISA hold bootcamps for media representatives such as FOX News or CNN to enhance media's understanding of how elections are administered." He also said that the "malinformation" his office has encountered included "Abuse of Arizona's permissive public records process," as they received more than 350 public records requests last year regarding the 2020 election.


Last week, when asked by Just the News whether the recorder’s office works with CISA, the Center for Internet Security, the Election Integrity Project, and/or the Arizona Secretary of State's Office for monitoring and reporting mis/dis/malinformation, the county responded,


“The Recorder’s Office works with those organizations to protect staff, voters, and critical election infrastructure – and to help ensure constituents have access to accurate information.”


09012022 MCRO percent of staff effort monitoring social media.pdf

According to the public records, Maricopa County explained how the recorder’s office worked to combat misinformation in an email chain regarding a response to the Associated Press on “combating misinformation.”


An email dated Sept. 1, 2022, was sent between Maricopa County employees explaining how the county’s election offices respond to “mis-, dis- and mal- information.”

The email reads, “The Recorder’s Office and County Office of Enterprise Technology have six staff members actively threat monitoring. The teams work to identify specific threats to county and elections staff and property and report them to law enforcement. The reason why monitoring social media and other internet channels for threats and misinformation is important is because these can lead to physical threats. As a direct result of the Primary, half of our information Security Officer’s time was reporting threats and online harassment to law enforcement. Because of this, we’ve implemented a new reporting system to help manage this information.”

In addition to Maricopa County, the office of then-Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D) worked with social media companies and censorship nonprofits to track election information online and combat it when they deemed necessary.


09302019 FB Social Media Tracking Dashboard (1).pdf

Anonymous ID: af83b2 April 29, 2024, 2 p.m. No.20795884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5974 >>6016 >>6213 >>6418 >>6518 >>6541




In an email dated Sept. 30, 2019, Facebook told the Arizona secretary of state’s office, “We've heard feedback from elections authorities that they need better tools to track potential voter interference content on Facebook. In response to this feedback, we are building a dashboard that will track this content in each state - and we'd like to share those dashboards with the respective elections authorities. These Dashboards will allow for keyword searches of public content on Facebook in each state - and will be able to be customized to each state's needs.”


The secretary’s office responded, calling it “great news” and asking if it was “something we can share with our county partners?”


07252022 AZSOS Volunteers to Monitor Social Media on Election Day.pdf


On July 25, 2022, the secretary’s office sent an email to Google, verifying the company’s protocols for reporting mis/disinformation to explain in materials the state was putting together “for the volunteers monitoring Twitter on Election Day.”


11042020 Sharpie CISA EIP.pdf

In another email chain dated Nov. 4, 2020, the day after Election Day, the secretary’s office corresponded with theCenter for Internet Security (CIS)and theElection Integrity Project (EIP)regarding the claim thatusing Sharpies markerson ballots made them unreadable by tabulation machines. They coordinated with each other and social media platforms to combat the claim.


According to an email from CIS to the secretary’s office, EIP informed them that Facebook and YouTube hadn’t yet taken any action. CIS also wrote, “Most Tweets related to Arizona about the felt tip markers are labeled & or put behind notices that these claims are misleading.The smaller claims about #sharpiegate but do not specifically mention Arizona are not labeled.”


Additionally, CIS said, “TikTok has taken down the larger videos that we have flagged for them, including the one we screenshot in our twitter thread.”


The offices of the secretary of state and the governor didn't respond to requests for comment.


(God Almighty, When are these creatures going to be punished?)

Anonymous ID: af83b2 April 29, 2024, 2:06 p.m. No.20795899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5908 >>5918 >>5923 >>6220

Feds warn employers can be punished for failing to use preferred transgender pronouns, restrooms


EEOC's landmark new regulatory guidanceelevates gender identity as a protected classunder discrimination laws like race, sex and religion.


Updated: April 29, 2024 2:58pm


In landmark guidance, the federal commission created to fight racial and sexual discrimination declared Monday that employers that fail to use a worker's preferred pronoun or refuse them the chance to use the restroom of their choice will be engaging in prohibited harassment.


The U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission published the new harassment guidelines Monday after voting along partisan lines on Friday to approve them, even in the face of opposition from nearly two dozen red states. Three Democrat appointees approved the rules while two Republicans opposed them.


The new document elevates gender identity as a protected class under discrimination laws like race, sex and religion.


Prohibited harassment includes "repeated and intentional use of a name or pronoun inconsistent with the individual’s known gender identity (misgendering) or the denial of access to a bathroom or other sex-segregated facility consistent with the individual’s gender identity,” the new regulatory document declared.


You can read the document here.

Enforcement Guidance on Harassment in t…qual Employment Opportunity Commission.pdf(It's only 189 pages)


Job Creators Network, one of the nation's leading small business groups, decried the new guidance


"The Biden administration's new guidance on transgender employees is yet another example of executive overreach by unaccountable bureaucrats," Job Creators Network CEO Alfredo Ortiz said. "The guidance is a solution in search of a problem, as the overwhelming majority of employers already provide their employees with a respectful working environment, no matter what their backgrounds.


"While the Biden administration is focused on using the correct pronouns, small businesses are suffering under the weight of resurgent inflation, high energy costs, and a credit crunch due to Democrats' bad policies. Rules about how to treat transgender employees amount to another headache for employers at the worst possible time," he added.



(What if you cannot even know what to call them, you can't tell and don't know, because we are living in a zoo of animals now? And if that person has a pronoun, I don't want to know what it is.)

Anonymous ID: af83b2 April 29, 2024, 2:09 p.m. No.20795909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6030

Hunter Biden demands that Fox News remove ‘intimate’ images from its platforms (uhh NO)

By Holmes Lybrand and Dana Bash,CNN mouthpiece of Bidan and Hunter

Published 12:01 PM EDT, Mon April 29, 2024


Hunter Biden is demanding that Fox News remove from its platforms sexually explicit images that President Joe Biden’s son says are private, according to a letter obtained by CNN, as part of his strategy to publicly fight back against conservative media.


The letter sent by attorneys for Hunter Biden to Fox News and FOX Corp. alleges conspiracy to defame and unlawful publication of “hacked” images, seeking corrections and retractions on air and in online articles to claims that President Biden and his son engaged in a bribery scheme abroad. (No one had to hack it)


Hunter Biden’s legal team has undertaken an aggressive legal and public relations strategy for several months. His lawyers have fired off letters demanding investigations into Hunter Biden’s opponents and filed a series of lawsuits against his detractors. Hunter Biden’s lawyers say they “anticipate” suing Fox but have not yet done so.


This stepped-up strategy by Hunter Biden to defend himself against the onslaught of attacks initially stoked anxiety among some of President Biden’s political advisers. But the president has publicly defended his son, who separately faces gun and tax charges in Delaware and California. Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty to those criminal charges. CNN has reached out to Fox News for comment on the letter.


The media outlet aired a mock trial of Hunter Biden on the streaming platform Fox Nation in 2022, focused on the unproven bribery allegations, and published “intimate images of Mr. Biden depicting him in the nude as well as engaged in sex acts,” according to the letter, which demands that Fox immediately remove the series from all streaming platforms.


“FOX knows that these private and confidential images were hacked, stolen, and/or manipulated digital material,” Hunter Biden’s attorneys wrote in the letter, which contained several of the explicit images, some of which were blurred. (All of that is a lie and they know it)


Publishing these images, the attorneys said, violated “the majority of states’ laws against the nonconsensual disclosure of sexually explicit images and videos, sometimes referred to as ‘revenge porn’ laws.”


Hunter Biden’s attorneys also take issue with Fox News publishing several articles on the bribery allegations, citing an FBI informant who was recently indicted for allegedly lying to investigators about Hunter Biden and the bribery plot. The informant, Alexander Smirnov, has pleaded not guilty to the charges and is set to face trial in December.


Attorneys for the president’s son allege that Fox News “initially remained silent” on news of Smirnov’s indictment “despite the fact that this now rendered the prior reporting on these allegations highly misleading.”


“Then, in a brazen show of no remorse, rather than walk back the story and correct the record, FOX double-downed on the debunked bribery allegation and used Smirnov’s indictment to claim this is an ‘intimidation tactic’ aimed at silencing ‘whistleblowers,’ to blame the FBI for its credulity, and to suggest an even deeper conspiracy,” the letter alleges.


The letter demands Fox News issue editor’s notes to online articles “informing readers of the indictment” and have several prominent Fox News hosts including Sean Hannity, Maria Bartiromo and Jesse Watters “inform their viewers on air that they have been sharing a debunked allegation from a source who has been federally indicted.” (uhh NO) The bribery allegations have been central to the GOP’s impeachment inquiry into President Biden. CNN has reported that Republican lawmakers don’t have the votes to impeach him.

Anonymous ID: af83b2 April 29, 2024, 2:11 p.m. No.20795913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5929


HR has ruined every up and coming company, it's a time waster and HR training today is about communism and harassing people to feel everyone's feelings. NO THANKS FUCK OFF

Anonymous ID: af83b2 April 29, 2024, 2:28 p.m. No.20795969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5977 >>5979 >>6041



They are the worst, I've known and talked to Older people that were in HR, they said it was never like this, HR was supposed to help employees, the training now is psycho control, harassment and torture, these kids (yes kids 23-26 years old) are training to program, propagandize, corner people and break them.


So you've got a mid-20s person ordering around people in their 40's, 50's, 60's and some older. When kids get power at the age, they always misuse (or most all misuse it).


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The degree you need for a human resources career depends on your overall goals. If you aim to pursue a human resources career path, you can consider higher education programs at every level. Along with HR degrees, employers also hire applicants with degrees in related areas.

While entry-level human resources (HR) roles often require an associate degree, management positions and advanced HR careers may ask for at least a master’s. Before beginning your professional journey, it’s important to know which degree you need for human resources so you can set yourself on the right path.

Human Resources Degree Options

Aspiring professionals can pursue various degrees on their human resources career path. Individuals can consider several human resources degree programs, depending on their prospective role and desired educational timeline.


The following list covers available human resources programs at every level.

Human Resources Certificate


Time to Completion: 2 to 12 months

Admission Requirements: Varies with certificate level; may require bachelor’s degree and/or experience

Common Coursework: Effective hiring and interviewing; diversity, equity, and inclusion; navigating labor relations

Potential Careers with this Degree: Varies with certificate level; typically boosts employment opportunities rather than qualifying candidates outright


Associate Degree in Human Resources

Time to Completion: 2 years

Admission Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent

Common Coursework: Employment law, introduction to business, human relations

Potential Careers with this Degree: Human resources clerk, payroll assistant, benefits administrator, human resources generalist

Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources


Time to Completion: 4 years

Admission Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent

Common Coursework: Global HR management, employment law, intro to HR management

Potential Careers with this Degree: Training and development specialist, human resources manager, human resources coordinator, training and development manager

Master’s in Human Resources


Time to Completion: 1 to 2 years

Admission Requirements: Bachelor’s degree; some schools require GMAT/GRE scores

Common Coursework: Human resources strategy, human resources knowledge management, staffing organizations, wellness management

Potential Careers with this Degree: Chief learning officer, compensation and benefits manager, human resources director, VP of human resources

MBA in Human Resources


Time to Completion: 1 to 2 years

Admission Requirements: Bachelor’s degree; some schools may require GMAT/GRE scores

Common Coursework: Leadership communication, management information systems, labor and employment law, organizational behavior

Potential Careers with this Degree: HR operations manager, employee relations manager, senior human resources consultant, director of employee experience and communications


Ph.D. in Human Resources

Time to Completion: 4 to 6 years

Anonymous ID: af83b2 April 29, 2024, 2:31 p.m. No.20795979   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Can you imagine training of 2 months to 2 years is enough to understand how to work with employees, know the law, etc. Ridiculous


4-6 years for PhD

Anonymous ID: af83b2 April 29, 2024, 2:49 p.m. No.20796068   🗄️.is 🔗kun


that's notable the Dept of State is sponsoring terrorists in the US. They are funding a new color revolution to prevent PDJT from being elected in 2024, just like 2020

Anonymous ID: af83b2 April 29, 2024, 2:55 p.m. No.20796092   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He has betrayed every American Citizen, he should go, and emigrate to Ukraine if he thinks they are honest. This guy was captured a day after he got in, or maybe years before and was a sleeper

Anonymous ID: af83b2 April 29, 2024, 3:13 p.m. No.20796183   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GOP Rep Biggs: No 'critical mass' of lawmakers to oust Johnson

Biggs went on to suggest that Johnson, ahead of the November elections, should bring votes on border security and energy policy to the floor every day before the contests to highlight the policy distinctions between Republicans and Democrats.

Published: April 29, 2024 2:17pm

Arizona Republican Rep. Andy Biggs on Monday suggested that House Speaker Mike Johnson was likely to maintain his post in the face of Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's motion to vacate the chair.


Greene officially filed the motion to remove Johnson in the wake of his support for a $1.2 trillion "minibus" spending package. Following a recess, Greene returned and circulated a letter outlining her grievances with Johnson's leadership. Earlier this month, Arizona GOP Rep. Paul Gosar joined Greene and Kentucky GOP Rep. Thomas Massie in sponsoring the motion.


"I think it's tabled," Biggs said of the motion on the "John Solomon Reports" podcast. "I just don't think that you're seeing the critical mass, perhaps, that, that she would like to see. What I would say is there's a lot of discontent."


"And then some of us feel far deeper than discontent… there's a lot of anger as well and frustration. But I think that just mirrors what the American people feel," he went on. "I mean, when you look at the American people when I was at speaking places and going places last week, they're very frustrated."


"And as you know, people say 'well, why do we vote for Republicans over Democrats? When the Democrats are in there they don't have to form coalitions with Republicans, they don't care," he went on. "But Republicans, we don't do Republican things. We instead focus on this, this weird conglomeration that becomes a European style coalition government."


"[I]nstead of getting something that's conservative, Republican out of the House, and just doing doing it over and over again, realizing that [the] Senate is not going to pass it, okay. But let's still keep fighting," he said. "But, I think that surrender is what has frustrated the American peopleand frustrated those of us in Congress is that our leadership [has] essentially run the white flag up and said,'we're content just to manage the decline instead of fighting to restore the country.'"


Biggs went on to suggest that Johnson, ahead of the November elections, should bring votes on border security and energy policy to the floor every day before the contests to highlight the policy distinctions between Republicans and Democrats.


"[T]his is what I've begged the speaker to do. And we're trying to set it up so my office will give him the option that he should be bringing… a border security bill to the floor every day we're in session until we're out of session," he said, "and force the vote, force the Democrats to vote against border security every day… so the American people can see there is a real distinction on border."


"Same thing when energy policy," Biggs went on. "You should do a lot of energy bills… that would free up American energy. That's the types of things you should be doing over and over and over again, because the American people have to understand Congress is actually is broken, because the Democrats don't want to actually fix these problems. That's that's what I would say."



Anonymous ID: af83b2 April 29, 2024, 3:22 p.m. No.20796234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6326 >>6519

Rep. Andy Biggs says that Democrats are trying to annex Ukraine as the next 51st state


• Key Member of House Oversight and Judiciary slams Democrats over recent reports and efforts by Democrats and Biden administration to secure a 10-year continued funding package for Ukraine. Biggs remarks, he “didn’t know that the [United States] was trying to annex Ukraine as the 51st state.

• [The United States] has spent something like 42% of the money is actually gone to the military, to go on target. The rest of it has gone to supply [the Ukrainians] pensions, their farm subsidies, their government operations, a significant portion of it is just gone to the wind, we have no idea where it went, the same with the some of the material.

• I thought that the Democrat, Republican coalition that that Speaker Johnson put together, I thought they gave us an outrageous product a week or so ago.

• And I would just tell you, it takes amazing chutzpah on the part of President Zelinsky to come back and say, ‘Oh, we're gonna do this again for 10 years,’ What? What are you talking about?”

• Additional interview with Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill on her lawsuit against the Biden administration over Title IX.

Anonymous ID: af83b2 April 29, 2024, 3:26 p.m. No.20796250   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Liz Harris, MBA



Special thanks to the Ultra Grassroots delegates who voted for me to serve as the next RNC National State Committeewoman for Arizona. Focus shall be on winning elections with a strong emphasis on uniting the Republican Party through real, effective election reform! May GOD bless the USA!