So BBC is ramping up their anti American propaganda and North Korea is destroying theirs…. who’s America’s greatest ally?
Elvis was right when he said heaven kinda looks like the ghetto. At least the areas God is usually kicking it in.
Anons, just went onto a Q discussion periscope. They are really scared of this crumb.
It frightens the hell out of them. Think of what it implies.
Means we can not be doxxed, pigeon holed, isolated, categorized, or summed up.
Kept telling the dude to read the crumbs. His head was exploding. That’s the message they don’t want conveyed. That this movement is inclusive to everyone.
Keep up the good work guys. Here’s a babe for u.
It was the kill all pedophiles shirt that really peaked my interest.
That’s a good meme. Kekekekek.
She’s actually on IG. Follows my account. She’s anti pedophiles so I’m a fan of hers. And I kinda think she’s sexy.