Holy shit this is borked as fuck.
Don't have to.
>Nayib Bukele gathers every single official in the executive branch of his government and then announces a surprise.
>He asks the Attorney General to investigate all of them for bribery.
>Tucker Carlson: What did the white hats give you $70 million dollars for? Go ask the question.
He's on Twatter isnt he?
Have to edit the q to make it fit the char limit not paying for premium. I also cannot message directly.
Welp I am not afraid to do it if someone doesnt by the time I am done in the garden. I will meme everyone everywhere every comment on every post. And you faggots better not be bitches this time and back me upโฆ.
>and this question could
Could do a lot of thingsโฆ
And what's with the Ip hopping faggotry?
Imagine thinking that the student protests are organic.
You guys really are a fun bunch of guys or whatever pronouns.
They may be a rare siting in the US, but South Korea, Japan and China.
Those who have dined on this worm have said it is chewy, salty and surprisingly sweet.
It's often served with a savory sauce made from sesame oil and salt or a spicier dip consisting of vinegar and gochujang.
Those who prefer their penis fish cooked might grill it on a skewer with salt, pepper, and sesame oil.