Doee this account holder not grasp how stupid he looks by putting a Q in his handle while trashing a man who Q repeatedly praised and protected?
Doee this account holder not grasp how stupid he looks by putting a Q in his handle while trashing a man who Q repeatedly praised and protected?
Anon has an idea.
Israel belongs to neither Jews nor Palestinians, because they suck balls at peace and haven't had any lasting peace for 2000 years.
How about Annexing Israel to the world and having totally open borders to anyone who wants to step foot there. All the current residents can stay, however the country no longer exists.
And if anyone asks about Jews or Muslims having "their own" nation, tell them to ask Christians or Buddhists or any of the other religions around the world how they're miraculously existing in countries that are not only open to them and no other, and how incredibly despite all "logic" have assimilated everywhere they live and they're not demanding any ethnostate or theocratic state to keep everyone else out.
The holy land belongs to the world, not to any special "bloodline" or "ethnicity" divided from the rest of humanity. God created all humanity.
Hilarious to see the shills choosing the totally inconsistent with Q drops 'anti-Flynn' narrative to make their final stand on.
Yeah, that doesn't look retarded at all.
The anti-Flynn shill narrative comes in waves, coordinated with multiple "anons" combined with IP hopping.
Always the same shit, identical as the persecutions against Q+.
All talk, no description of actual crime committed.
Just shade.
Anons know the real sources of the who and the why.
No lasting peace from anyone calling themselves Jews or Muslims for 2000 years.
Israel belongs to the world.
God never commanded humanity divided. That's a fully human construct.
Logically everyone is from the same one source of it all.
All talk, no sauce.
>Government gangsters possessed classified docs, shipped them to 45, then charged him.
Hey Anons have seen this one. Wrap up smear logic and shill logic on 8kun.
Post enflammatory rhetoric on 8kun QR and X and across social media, then fake news writes hit piece articles on how fascist and nazi Qanons are.
It's the same sick M.O.!
>it's the badge
In ither words, no sauce, no evidence, no substance.
The anti-Flynn narrative is as cringe as the persectutions against Q+
"Lurk moar browse moar newfag"
Also a callsign of cringe shills using stale cliches to "blend in".
Anons have seen the anti-Flynn narrative come and go for years and years.
>Stone hates Flynn
It's not confusing to anon when a narrative is deliberately constructed to be confusing, sloppily so.
Anon guessing Flynn may have helped expose some recent bad news for Demokkkrats.
Sudden coordinated shill attacks.
Unfortunately the idiots keep implementing the same patterns each time the 4am talking point is to smear Flynn.
You're a shill, you're trying to blend in, and you again failed to produce even an iota of evidence.
All just innuendo without substance.
So about that apartheid logic of separating Jews from everyone else encapsulated in the country of Israelโฆ
>anon is nothing like you
Self-alienation leading to a weird desire to separate self from other selves as if that movement is supposed to demonstrate or prove anything about anyone or anything outside your own psychology.
>Evidence? Anon posted the vid of his verbatim performance anon claimed he did.
Nobody posted anything even remotely indicative of any crime whatsoever.
Logic of "if yoooooouuuu can't see it then yoooooouuuuu are the one who is wrong" is just a cringe substitute for TOTAL LACK OF EVIDENCE OF ANY CRIME COMMITTED.
And how stupid are you to push a narrative of Flynn committing crimes, when the openly admitting enemies of Flynn who wanted him in jail, who would have jumped all over the 'evidence' you're claiming exists, did not do so?
Use logic, 'anon'. If Flynn was truly guilty of even a fraction of the garbage you're peddling here, ask where was the deep state when they had the chance to "get Flynn" with all the bullshit you're claiming exists?
The truth of course is that just as anon said, YOU HAVENT PRODUCED A SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE.
Quantum computing is still too early to output anything meaningful.
Number of stable qbits running is tiny.
anon definitely mistrusts your posts.