>Anon wouldn't mind seeing cue jumpers, …
What is wrong with billiards attire?
>oarfish are jnow as harbingers of destruction or death
What are these fish harbingers of?
Joe Scarborough and Mika Panicked That Pro-Hamas College Campus Protests Will Get Trump Elected
Joe Scarborough and Mika of MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ had a recent meltdown over the insane protests happening on college campuses, because they’re worried that these displays are going to help elect Trump.
They might have a point. People are sick and tired of the left’s behavior and have noticed that the left riots whether Democrats win or not. If they’re going to behave this way no matter the outcome, they will be ignored and more people will back Trump for the economic benefits to the country.
Joe talks about the many similarities to 1968, when the Democrats lost big.
Vid here -
I love the smell of panic in the morning
El Salvador
Nayib Bukele gathers every single official in the executive branch of his government and then announces a surprise.
Notable 2nded
That's the way to do it.