You think with your mocking tongue. My knowledge doesn't end in your beliefs. I do not need your approval, but testify to the true meaning of scriptures and reveal the game that they play on our values. You would be happy to sit among them.
>I do not need your approval, but testify to the true meaning of scriptures and reveal the game that they play on our values.
There are no Judeo Christian values there is only Christian values, that is what built America into what is was. They got you to believe that Jewish values are the same, they are not even close.
If you speak about Jesus in Israel in front of a minor you go to jail for 30 years.
The Jews spit on Christians in the streets.
Jews have blood rituals.
Jews believe they do not sin when they lie to anyone that is not a Jeww..
There is no such thing as Judeo Christian values in common. They hoodwinked you, in order to destroy this country, by associating their degenerating values as a tactic.